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The mirrors on the walls reflected this drunken confusion, and the people, as reflected in the mirrors, seemed more disgusting and hideous than they were in reality. "I do not want to speak!" exclaimed the coupletist, "I do not want to cast the pearls of truth and of my wrath before you." He rushed forward, and raising his head majestically, turned toward the door with tragic footsteps.

The pain irritated by the words of the coupletist, caressed Foma's soul more and more passionately, and the coupletist went on thundering, intoxicated with the impurity of his accusation: "You think that you are the master of life? You are the low slave of the rouble." Someone in the crowd hiccoughed, and, evidently displeased with himself for this, cursed each time he hiccoughed: "Oh devil."

There is one writer of feuilletons here; you know, that some one who always lauded you, what's his name? An amusing fellow, the devil take him! Do you know it would be a good thing to hire one like that for personal use! Give him a certain sum of money and order him to amuse! How's that? I had a certain coupletist in my employ, it was rather entertaining to be with him.

But I shall not give it to you! I, who have devoted all my life to the condemnation of vice, I stand before you and say openly: 'You are a fool and a beggar because you are too rich! Here lies the wisdom: all the rich are beggars. That's how the famous coupletist, Rimsky-Kannibalsky, serves Truth!"