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There have been those who used assassination to bring about reform, and there are plenty who use philanthropy to hasten their egoistic aims. The nihilist who throws a bomb to bring about an altruistic state is own cousin to the ward heeler who gives coal to his poor constituents so that his grafting rule may continue.

I was interviewed by reporters, photographed by an enthusiastic young woman on the Argus staff, and made in every way to feel that I was one of the truly great. But I knew otherwise. "In the months following I hobnobbed lovingly with every heeler, ward-worker, and thug in that part of the State. My bar'l was tapped, and well tapped. The stubs in my check-book are mutely eloquent.

"I hardly think you would call him a gentleman," said Helen, "though he thinks he's one; I wouldn't tolerate him a moment, only on my father's account. Dad calls him a political heeler, and says he is very useful." "He ought to be that," said Wade, smiling; "I'd hardly call him ornamental." "Indeed he isn't," said Helen, pouting prettily, "and he presumes too much on Dad's favor.

First he'll be cut and then fattened for the spit or the gridiron, the Heeler answered. Look, young Master, and turning his eyes whither the Heeler's finger pointed, Joseph saw the bird's owner sign to the slave that he was to twist the bird's neck; which was done, and the poltroon went into a basket by himself he did not deserve to be with those that had been slain in combat.

"They're all great boozers," he said, in summing them up. "Tim is a ward heeler in Buffalo came to see me at the stage-door loaded to the gunnels. Tom is a greasy, three-fingered brakeman on the Central. Fannie married a carpenter and has about seventeen young ones. Mary died, you know?" "No, I didn't know." "Yes, died about four years ago. She was like mother a nice girl.

Before I'd see y'r law outraged, y'r courts perverted, y'r justice bartered and hawked and peddled from huckster to trickster, from heeler to headman, from blackmailer to high judge but A didna mean to break loose. Y'r fair scene stirred m' blood; and A'm an old man; and A love the land. A was born West.

But my other friend, the plumber, was not the least feudal, or not so feudal as many a lowly ward- heeler in New York, who helps to make up the muster of some captain of politics, under the lead of a common boss. The texture of society, in the smarter sense, the narrower sense, is what I could not venture to speak of more confidently.

She caught up a dainty silk blouse from the table beside her and shook it contemptuously. "Do you know Scammel?" "Scammel?" Faith echoed the name blankly. "No; who is he?" "He owns this place," Peg explained. "There's no Heeler in it really it's just a name. It's Scammel we're all swotting to make money for," she added. "And I hate him "

"So that is your Democratic heeler?" said Lispenard, eyeing Peter's retreating figure through the carriage window. "Don't call him that, Lispenard," said Miss De Voe, wincing. Lispenard laughed, and leaned back into a comfortable attitude. "Then that's your protector of sick kittens?" Miss De Voe made no reply. She was thinking of that dreary wintry stretch of sand and dune.

He has been a heeler in the small politics of his own county and he becomes a wrestler with two or three hundred heelers from other parts of the republic. The professional widow, clad in the sable habiliments of woe, takes him into a quiet corner and leans against him hard. The Hon. Slote becomes wildly excited and promises to leg for her bill.