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I was interviewed by reporters, photographed by an enthusiastic young woman on the Argus staff, and made in every way to feel that I was one of the truly great. But I knew otherwise. "In the months following I hobnobbed lovingly with every heeler, ward-worker, and thug in that part of the State. My bar'l was tapped, and well tapped. The stubs in my check-book are mutely eloquent.

"Gryson," said the little lady, her eyes narrowing; "Gryson the name is curiously familiar. He is what you call a ward-worker, isn't he?" Gantry nodded. "Something of the sort, yes. Evan calls him one of the 'pie-eaters, and away along early in the game they had a set-to in Evan's office and Evan fired him; told him if he ever came back he'd throw him out." Again Mrs.

When he finally found the car, it was mainly by the sense of hearing; the motor was drumming softly under the hood, and there was a blur in the mechanician's seat which answered for the crouching figure of the ward-worker. By a supreme effort of will Blount swung himself up behind the steering-wheel and let the clutch in.

In the first place he is a voter, and the ward-worker, the policeman, and the saloon-keeper never forget this fact. An illustration of the policeman's interest in the voter as an applicant for charity may be found wherever the police are allowed to become distributors of alms.

"Well, I hope those two scamps have been sent to jail, or to Bridewell, or wherever they belong. August will carry that scar to his dying day." "Jail!" cried Roger. "No ward-worker need ever go to jail. They sent for their alderman the minute they were caught. Our ward hasn't elected anything but crime-brokers for the last ten years." "Well, what did the present crime-broker do?"