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In the latter part of his life he found it necessary to forbear any intense application of the mind from dinner to bedtime, and rose to read and write early in the morning. He was, for some years, hectically feverish; and, though he found some alleviation of his distemper, never obtained a perfect recovery of his health.

Thus it may be understood by any one, at least, who has ever loved ecstatically and fervidly and even hectically, like the great Ricardo how on Monday and Wednesday nights and the Thursday matinée, all of which were Caravaggio performances, he resented Biff's presence.

When either of them invented something to say they started chattering with guilty haste, and each agreed hectically with any opinion the other advanced. Mr. Wrenn surprised himself in the thought that Morton hadn't anything very new to say, which made him feel so disloyal that he burst out, effusively: "Say, come on now, old man; I just got to hear about what you did after you left Liverpool."

Prather inquired hectically, with a momentary qualm of shame. "Why, if Firio and I are to have water to make coffee for breakfast we must take the water-hole!" Jack answered, as if this were a thing of minor importance beside seeing Prather safely on his way.

Afterwards a great many other people lent him their money too, and played écarté with him; yet at no period of his life was he rich, and now he is decidedly poor. Still the old love of borrowing money and playing écarté burns hectically in his bosom, and with years a habit of turning up the king has grown upon him.

All the rest were wounded or dead or occupied in the routine of supply and intelligence. The organization which had been drilled through two generations of peace for this emergency exhibited the signs of pressure. Eyes that met when commands were given and received were dull from want of sleep or hectically bright as a hypochondriac's.

"There is certainly something very strange about all this," he whispered a bit hectically. "I could almost have sworn that I heard a faint scuffle, the horrid sound of a person strangling." "Strangling?" giggled Flame. "Oh, that is just the sound of Miss Flora's 'girlish glee'! If she'd only be content to chew the corner of the piano cover! But when she insists on inhaling it, too!"

We sat in no silence now; the first et cetera made extraordinary sounds on his plate, Mrs. Trevise tinkled her handbell with more unction than I had ever yet seen in her; and while she and Daphne interchanged streams of severe words which I was too disconcerted to follow, the other et ceteras and the honeymooners hectically effervesced into small talk.

Lanny, you are in a blue funk!" and she was laughing forcedly and hectically. "I'm going on going on like one in a trance who can't stop if he would. It's all right, Lanny. I undertook the task myself. I must see it through!" After she had hung up the receiver her buoyancy vanished. She leaned against the wall of the tunnel weakly. Yes, what if she were found out?