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Almost as soon as the firing became heavy in front, crowds of painted warriors rose from some hollows of long grass that lay on Trigg's right and poured in a close and deadly volley. Rushing forward, they took his men in rear and flank, and rolled them up on the centre, killing Trigg himself. Harlan's advance guard was cut down almost to a man, their commander being among the slain.

There was no thought of romance in Harlan's mind when he mounted Purgatory to take up Dolver's trail; and when he came upon Dolver at Sentinel Rock and later, until he had talked with Lane Morgan he had no thought of offering himself to Morgan, to become that trustworthy man who would "work his guns" for the Rancho Seco owner.

Harlan's gaze was straight ahead; he was watching the trail, where it vanished over the crest of a high ridge, and he did not seem to be aware of Barbara's presence. "And father told you to tell me wanted you to bring the news to me?" Harlan nodded. "Then," she went on "your obligation if you were under any seems to have been completed. You need not have come out of your way."

Dorothy looked at Harlan, undecided whether to laugh or to cry. "Poor little woman," he said, softly; "don't you fret. We'll have them out of the house no later than to-morrow." "All of them?" asked Dorothy, eagerly, as Miss St. Clair strolled into the front yard. Harlan's brow clouded and he shifted uneasily from one foot to the other.

The marshal did not like the Oasis; indeed, he went further and cordially hated it. Harlan's saloon was a thorn in his side and he was only waiting for a good excuse to wipe it off the local map. He was the Law, and behind him were the range riders, who would be only too glad to have the nest of rustlers wiped out and its gang of ne'er-do-wells scattered to the four winds.

There was a coldly malignant glare in his eyes as under Harlan's unwavering gaze he finally raised his hands and held them, palms outward, as for inspection. Rogers had complied instantly.

Johnny grinned hopefully and a sudden tenseness took possession of him as he watched for the first hostile move. "Yes," Hopalong replied coolly, appraising Harlan's attitude and look in one swift glance, "but it ain't here, now.

Twice, during the silence that followed Harlan's reply, Haydon shifted his gaze from Harlan's face to the ground between himself and the other, and then back again. It was plain to Haydon that he could proceed no farther in that direction without incurring the wrath that slumbered in Harlan's heart, revealed by his narrowing eyes. In Harlan's heart was a bitter, savage passion.

She could not have explained why she permitted the first day after Harlan's coming to pass without going to see Haydon, any more than she could have explained why she permitted many other days to pass in the same manner. She was almost convinced, though, that it was because of the manner in which Harlan took charge of the ranch the capable and business-like way he had of treating the men.

Two very round eyes testified to Mrs. Presson's amazement. But once more she found her social feet after this echo of the main quake. She took Harlan's hand, and placed it on the chair next to that of her daughter. "You'll sit here, if you please, Mr. Thornton," she said, urbanely.