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Happerley, werry good indeed I owes you one." "I thought it was a castor-oil mill," rejoined Mr. Spiers. "Haw! haw! haw! werry good, Mr. Spiers, werry good indeed owes you one also but I see what you're driving at. You think these hats have a coconut apiece belonging to them upstairs. No such thing I assure you; no such thing.

You'll see her back presently," and, just as he spoke, in she came with a half-pint smelling-bottle at her nose. Benjamin followed immediately after, and throwing open the door proclaimed, in a half-fledged voice, that "dinner was sarved," upon which the party all started on their legs. "Now, Mr. Happerley Nimrod," cried Jorrocks, "you'll trot Mrs.

Happerley Nimrod has not forgot his, and can put up with our homely fare, and do without pantaloon cutlets, blankets of woe, and such-like miseries." And talking of black strap, gentlemen, I call on old Crane, the man what supplies it, to tip us a song. So now I'm finished and you, Crane, lap up your liquor and begin!"

"Gentlemen," says Jorrocks, "I'll trouble you to charge your glasses, 'eel-taps off a bumper toast no skylights, if you please. Crane, pass the wine you are a regular old stop-bottle a turnpike gate, in fact. I give you the health of Mr. Happerley Nimrod." When the cheering, and dancing of the glasses had somewhat subsided, Nimrod rose and spoke as follows: "Mr. Jorrocks, and gentlemen",

I should indeed be undeserving the name of a sportsman undeserving of being a member of that great and justly celebrated 'unt, of which Mr. Happerley Nimrod has spun so handsome and flattering a yarn, if I did not feel deeply proud of the compliment you have paid it.

Happerley Nimrod, gentlemen, was pleased to pay a compliment to what he was pleased to call my something 'ospitality. I am extremely obliged to him for it. On the score of quantity there might be a little deficiency, but I hope the quality was prime. Gentlemen, I understand those cheers, and I'm flattered by them I likes 'ospitality!

"No," said Jorrocks, in an undertone with a frown Happerley Nimrod, the great sporting hauthor." "True," replied Green, not at all disconcerted, "I've heard of him Nimrod the mighty 'unter before the lord. Glad to see ye, Nimrod. Stubbs, 'ow are ye?" nodding to the Yorkshireman, as he jerked himself on to a chair on the other side of Belinda. As usual, Green was as gay as a peacock.

Who's for some salmon? bought at Luckey's, and there's both Tallyho and Tantivy sarce to eat with it. Somehow or other I always fancies I rides harder after eating these sarces with fish. Mr. Happerley Nimrod, you are the greatest man at table, consequently I axes you to drink wine first, according to the book of etiquette help yourself, sir. Binjimin, get me some of that duck before Mr.

Happerley, let me send you some and, gentlemen, let me observe, once for all, that there's every species of malt liquor under the side table. Prime stout, from the Marquess Cornwallis, hard by. Also ale, table, and what my friend Crane there calls lamentable he says, because it's so werry small but, in truth, because I don't buy it of him.

for he had pocketed his wig, and had been clipping the Queen's English for some time. Happerley Nimrod three times three!" He then attempted to rise for the purpose of marking the time, but his legs deserted his body, and after two or three lurches down he went with a tremendous thump under the table.