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"Nothing much, only if that hen-yard gate should happen to be left open, and if Farmer Brown's boy should happen to forget to close that little hole that the hens go through, and if we happened to be around at just that time " "Too many ifs to get a dinner with," interrupted Reddy.

Because this is a materialistic age their money gives them powers to which they have no moral right, and no more wholesome thing could happen to the whole community than that the necessary changes should be worked out which would make such noxious drones impossible in the future. It is for these people that sweated workers drudge and sweat.

Niggers would come miles to hear Jim tell about it, and he was more looked up to than any nigger in that country. Strange niggers would stand with their mouths open and look him all over, same as if he was a wonder. Niggers is always talking about witches in the dark by the kitchen fire; but whenever one was talking and letting on to know all about such things, Jim would happen in and say, "Hm!

"I see no grounds of concern where we are, so long as we can keep the ship off the shore. The Arabs have no boats, and if they had, they would not dare to attack a vessel that floated, in one, unless aware of her being as truly helpless as we happen at this moment to be." "This is a chilling consolation, but I shall trust in your good care, gentlemen.

Brave your father, brave your mother, brave public opinion and possibly the wrecking of your whole future, but tell the truth, and rid your days of doubt, your nights of remorse." I could not say this. So many things might happen to save Arthur, to save Carmel, to save the little woman before me.

"Well, when I saw Old Man Moccasin at that close distance, and smiling in that glad way, and his spectacles shining, because he was so pleased at the prospect, I said to myself, I'm gone now, for certain, unless something happens right off; though, of course, I didn't see how anything could happen, placed as I was.

There was a strong pull, a little jerk, and the forelock of the mare slipped out of Miss Dora's hand. "There!" she cried; "that is exactly what I knew would happen. The wicked creature has galloped out of the gate." The young lady now made a step or two nearer the barn, Ralph still holding her hand, as if to assist her to a better footing.

I suggest to you three heads what has happened, what is happening, what will happen, with a peroration as to what should happen." Percy drew a long breath, settled himself back, clasped the fingers of his left hand in the fingers of his right, fixed his eyes firmly upon the cross-embroidered red shoe opposite, and began.

I've got to look after my money or I soon won't have any." When the two men went out Mrs. Smith could hear them begin to wrangle even before they quitted the yard, but she was more interested in what might happen to Miss Sally through the vindictiveness of the butcher.

"They're all in his state-room. If you'll come with me I'll show them to you." "Thanks," I said. "What I am chiefly interested in, just now, is the chronometer. Do you happen to know when it was last wound, Billy?" "Yes, sir," answered the boy; "last Sunday morning. Father used always to wind it every Sunday morning directly after breakfast." "Good!" I remarked.