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However, I've kept soberer and acted straighter since I've been an enlisted man than for a long time past; the non-coms. know how to handle men like me. And I'm a good aviator, and they want to keep me." "At all events," said Broussard, taking Lawrence's hand, "I'll look out for your wife and child. The boy shall have his chance he shall have his chance, the jolly little chap!"

"I wouldn't let any girls jolly me," Pee-wee said, ignoring the specific question and speaking with difficulty, because of the stickiness of the taffy. "They think they're smart, girls do; I don't mean you, but most of them. I know how to handle them all right. They try to make a fool of you and then just giggle, but the last laugh is the best, that's one sure thing."

This journey of mine gave a handle to the Cardinal to tell the Bishop of Lisieux that I was a cordial friend to all his enemies. "True enough," said the Bishop; "nevertheless you ought to esteem him; you have no reason to complain of him, because those men whom you mean were all his true friends before they became your enemies."

Thus now have I showed you the manner of right coming to the throne of grace, for mercy and grace to help in time of need. The next thing that I am to handle, is, first, To show you, that it is the privilege of the godly to distinguish from all thrones whatsoever this throne of grace.

He was surprised that Rivers, though a Southerner, had so little feeling on the question of negro soldiers; that many officers in the negro regiments were Southern; that Southerners were preferred because they understood the black man, and, for that reason, could better handle him.

"There's a commission-dealer named Carl Gwinnett, who wants to handle the collection for us, for twenty per cent. I'm told that that isn't an unusually exorbitant commission, but I'm not exactly crazy about the idea." "You shouldn't be, if you want your money in a hurry," Rand told her. "He'd take at least five years to get everything sold.

Tom held in one hand a silver-plated revolver with ivory handle that he had snatched out of Black's pocket. "I wonder why it is," mocked Tom, grinning, "that nine out of every ten dude tenderfeet from the east come west with one of these things." Black charged the cub, intent on recapturing his pistol, but Reade shot out a foot, tripping him. Then Tom ran nimbly over to the cook tent.

"The astrogators are coming," she said swiftly. "They'll bring some boxes with them. They'll ask you to instruct them so they can handle our ship better. They lost themselves coming back from Orede, no, they didn't lose themselves, but they lost time enough time almost to make an extra trip for meat. They need to be experts.

"Good!" said Arthur Jukes. "You think you're darned clever," said Ralph Bingham. "I know it," said Arthur. "Well, then," said Ralph, "perhaps you will tell us how you propose to get the ball out of the car when you reach Royal Square?" "Certainly," replied Arthur. "You will observe on the side of the vehicle a convenient handle which, when turned, opens the door.

It happened just as I was leaving the house." "What did? I hate to ask you to be more explicit. But, in the interests of justice " "You are quite right. As I was going out, then, I encountered an elderly gentleman coming in. His hand had just touched the bell handle. You will acknowledge that it was a perplexing moment for me.