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"Because in that old parlour the child expected it of the boy," she said. "And expects it yet." Hamil, who, chair pushed back, had been listlessly watching the orchestra, roused himself and turned to his aunt and Wayward. "You want to go, Garry?" said Constance calmly. "I'll walk a little with James before I compose my aged bones to slumber.... Good night, dear. Will you come again soon?"

And these men who took themselves and their lineage so seriously, took Hamil seriously; and he often attempted to appreciate it seriously, but his sense of humour was too strong. They were all good people, kindly and harmless snobs; and when he had made his adieux under the shadow of the white portico, he lingered a moment to observe the obsolete gallantry with which Mr.

That's one reason I'm not going on this duck-hunt." Hamil nodded. "Another reason," he continued, intent on the glowing end of his cigarette, "is that I'm rather fortunate at the Club just now and I don't care to disturb any run of luck that seems inclined to drift my way. Would you give your luck the double cross?" "I suppose not," said Hamil vaguely "if I ever had any." "That's the way I feel.

Later they sipped their tea together. "I always wanted you to like me," said the girl. Her glance wandered toward Hamil so unconsciously that Constance caught her breath. But the spell was on her still; she, too, looked at Hamil; admonition, prejudice, inculcated precept, wavered hazily. "Because I care so much for Mr. Hamil," continued the girl innocently.

And the lynx, disdainfully shifting its blank green gaze from Hamil, hoisted an absurd stub of a tail and began rubbing its lavishly whiskered jowl against the bush. Nearer and nearer sidled the lithe grayish animal, cautiously the girl advanced, until the cat was rubbing cheek and flank against the woven-wire fence.

While at Palm Beach he had made two sage observations to Hamil concerning the sacredness of trees; one was that there are no trees in a Scotch deer forest, which proved to his satisfaction that trees are unnecessary; the other embodied his memories of seeing a herd of calf-like fallow deer decorating the grass under the handsome oaks and beeches of some British nobleman's park.

"No," said Hamil, "I never did." For a while silence settled upon the table while Portlaw struggled to digest mentally the gastronomic suggestion offered by Malcourt. "I could send to town for a battery," he said hesitatingly; "or there's my own electric plant " Malcourt yawned. There was not much fun in exploiting such a man.

"Yes, I am. Why didn't you come before? The weather has been heavenly; everybody wanted you " "Everybody?" "Yes yes, of course!... Well, look here, Hamil, I've no authority to discuss that matter; but her mother, I think, has made matters clear to her concerning our personal wishes ah hum is that what you're driving at?" "Yes.... May I ask her? I came here to ask her."

"We all know that," said Cardross naïvely. "Your aunt is a very fine woman, Hamil.... I don't see why you shouldn't tell Shiela anything you want to. We all wish it." "Thank you," said the younger man. Their hand grip tightened and parted; shoulder to shoulder they swung into step across the lawn, Cardross planting his white-shod feet with habitual precision.

He'd probably like to scalp us both." But the Indian had resumed his motionless study of the darkness, squatted on his haunches as immobile as a dead stump. Hamil whispered: "Such a chance to make love to you! You dare not move. And you deserve it for tormenting me." "If you did such a thing " "Yes?" "Such a thing as that " "Yes?" "But you wouldn't."