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"There was one point off to our right, a few rods up along our old line of works where there was a crowd of Rebel sharpshooters that annoyed us more than all the rest, by their constant firing at us through the night. They killed one of Company H's boys, and wounded several others.

A , who had enriched himself as a stock-jobber, turned up its nose at the family of Mr. B , who had enriched himself still more as a linen-draper, while the family of Mr. B showed a very cold shoulder to the family of Mr. C , who had become richer than either of them as a pawnbroker, and whose wife wore diamonds, but dropped her h's.

More to please her than from a desire to eat, he forced down a few mouthfuls of it, and drank a little tea; then, laying his arm round her neck, he said, "Em, you must try hard to learn to write soon, so that I may hear from you at least once a week." "Oh! I shall soon know how, I'm in g's and h's now. Aunt Esther she says I may call her Aunt Esther teaches me every day.

"I reckon you'd better not do any more sleepin' here," he said uneasily. "Bug pulled me aside, and said I should tell you-uns to light out afore daybreak, 'cause the other fellar will surely come back an' lay fur the chap what shot him. I dunno where Bug picked him up, or who he is. He looks like a tramp, with his dirty beard and wicked eyes. H's a mighty bad man when he gits riled, Bug says.

Robert Clinton cleared his throat and produced a sound bursting with accumulated h's and r's his warning passed unheeded. Never before had Abbott had so much of Fran. The capillaries of his skin, as her hand quivered warmly against his, seemed drawing her in; and as she escaped from her splendid black orbs, she entered his brain by the avenue of his own thirsty eyes.

You see, me gone, there's nothing to 'amper 'er nothing to interfere with 'er settling down as a quiet, respectable toff. With a 'alf-brother, who's always got to be spry with some fake about 'is lineage and 'is ancestral estates, and who drops 'is 'h's, complications are sooner or later bound to a-rise. Me out of it everything's simple. Savey?" Well, that's just how it happened.

He stuck to it. "You talk like us." "Well, I'm sure I don't mean to talk like anybody!" I sighed. This diverted him, and brought us closer. "And see here," I continued, "I knew you were English, although you've not dropped a single h." "Oh, but," he said, "dropping h's that's that's not " "I know it isn't," I said. "Neither is talking through your nose. And we don't all say 'Amurrican."

They were good horses and the riding-master, Albert Dawson, was supposed to be a good man, conscientious, painstaking, careful. He was conventional to a degree. He taught the English seat, the English rise, the English gait, and his horses were all docked and hogged in the English fashion. Dawson would doubtless have taught them to drop their H's as he himself did, had he been able to do so.

They were attached to us, just as we had been attached to the 12th Brigade at Armentières, to learn the little details of Trench warfare that cannot be taught at home, and their platoons were with us during both our tours in the "G's" and "H's."

Came here special to see when we could best get away. Wants every one of us to come. He's built another end to his house, double log style, floored both rooms and the middle. Says he will have two fiddlers, and promises us the hog killingest time of our lives. I've accepted the invitation on behalf of the 'J+H's' without consulting any one."