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"A man in ten thousand, he is, an' never yields to no rod. He'll win his way yet; an' I be gwaine to cleave to un if he travels to the other end o' the airth." "I doan't judge un, gal. God knaws he's been the world to me since his faither died. He'm my dear son. But if he'd awnly bend afore the A'mighty breaks him." "He's got me."

An' that's as near madness as I'm gwaine. What I do, I do to-night." She rose from her chair in sudden anger at his strange harshness, for the wife who has never heard an unkind word resents with passionate protest the sting of the first when it falls. Now genuine indignation inflamed Phoebe, and she spoke bitterly. "'Enough of me'! Ess fay!

Her might have marched off to Penzance to larn 'bout the manner o' gwaine to Lunnon an' bin stopped in home-comin'; or her might have slept in Penzance to catch a early train away." "Iss, or her might a got in the water, poor lamb," said Thomasin, who never left the dark side of a position unconsidered. Mary's face showed that the same idea had struck her.

An' me an' Grimbal searched the South Hams, an' North, tu, inside out for 'e, an' he put notices in the papers dozens of 'em." "Along with the gypsy folk for more 'n three year now. 'Twas the movin' an' rovin', and the opening my eyes on new things that saved me from gwaine daft.

Then, with this trifling advantage, he retreated, while Lamacraft and Ted brought up the rear. "So theer's an end of that. Now us'll fall to wi' no worse appetites," declared Miller. "An' as to Will," he added, "'fore you chaps go, just mind an' judge no man till you knaw what's proved against him. Onless theer's worse behind than I've larned so far, I'm gwaine to stand by un."

I be gwaine to give myself up then us'll see who's the fule!" Phoebe was out of bed with her arms round her husband in a moment. "No, no never. You couldn't, Will; you daren't 'tis against nature. You ban't free to do no such wild thing. You forget me, an' the li'l maid, an' t' other comin'!" "Doan't 'e choke me," he said; "an' doan't 'e look so terrified.

Four-and-thirty short years he lived, then the world beginned to ope its eyes to his paarts, an' awnly then tu late, when the thread of his days was spun. What's the world to you and why should you care for its word, Chris Blanchard?" "Because I am Chris Blanchard," she said. "I was gwaine to kill myself, but thought to see his dear face wance more before I done it. Now " "Kill yourself!

So I've brot her, an' what blame comes o't my shoulders is more'n broad enough to carry. I wish, for my paart, as Michael was home, so's I might faace en when Joan says what her've comed to say. I be gwaine to Penzance now, 'pon a matter o' business, an' I'll come back here in an hour or so an' drink a dish o' tea along with you 'fore we staarts."

"He'm a gert man, wi' his awn way o' doin' things, like all gert men," he burst out; "an' ban't for any man to call un in question. He knawed the hard stuff I was made of and let me bide accordin'. An' now get your bonnets on, the lot of 'e, for I'm gwaine this instant moment to Monks Barton." They followed him in a breathless procession, as he hurried across the farmyard.

But some liked the crick-stone better for lil baabies than even the Madern brook." "Men-an-tol that stone is called?" "So 'tis, awnly us knaws it as the crick-stone. Theer's a big hole in en, an' if a cheel was passed through nine times runnin', gwaine 'gainst the way of the sun every time, it made en as strong as a lion.