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Why, what's the matter?" "It's so disappointing," murmured the girl; "it looks like old junk." "Well, it's pretty good old junk. I only wish it was mine, don't you, Mendoza? This stuff, Mendoza, all belongs to some rich guys who own a lot of mines down yonder. Big, fat chaps who sit in easy chairs back of mahogany tables and let other fellows earn their money for them; fine business, eh?"

Of course if she's any kind of a woman at all she's got him runnin'. But which way?" "Why, toward her, of course!" laughed Hollis. Norton's smile widened. "You've tumbled to that, then," he observed dryly. "Then you're ready for the next lesson." "And that?" questioned Hollis. Norton smiled with ineffable pity. "Lordy!" he laughed; "you single guys don't know a thing not a durned thing!"

"And the Vietnamese," Mo added. They were silent. "It wasn't so bad in the stockade," Joe said. "We got to watch TV for an hour each afternoon Perry Mason. The guys were always yelling for longer sentences at the end of the show. One of the guys was doing ninety days for swearing at an officer's wife. Stockwell, his name was.

What are you guys trying to pull, anyway?" It was obvious that he didn't agree with our conclusion. I was interested in learning what this man thought because I knew that he was one of ADC's ace radar trouble shooters and that he traveled all over the world, on loan from ADC, to work out problems with radars.

Maybe ut makes a man healthy, but all the wealthy wise guys iver I knowed wint on th' well-known principle that home was the last place to close up. Faix, a man'll go home whin he's in no state f'r anny other place. Whoa! Howld still, there's a good harrse, till I see what's best to do. Don't be so onaisy.

Have they got patrols out everywhere?" "Only on the river side of the town. They think you escaped that way." "Well, if you'll get me a horse " "I'll not do it." She reflected a moment, thinking out the situation. "If you can reach the foothills you'll have a chance." He grinned, wolfishly. "I'll reach 'em. You can gamble on that, if I have to drop a coupla guys like I did this mornin'."

But so it is, and if noses can be accepted as indices of truth in such matters, something stronger than water has been used in tinting them. The soldiers of the party presented the appearance of guys, rather than men of "fight."

''T ain't no use, he said I won't try to give his lingo 'they've gone. And the little devil actually went on to tell me how he had overheard the two gentlemen talking guys he called you and how you had decided to return to New York at once, and how he had looked back from the shore and seen the yacht already steaming away."

I may have separated three or four guys from their stuff, perhaps, at different times; but they always got a run for their money, and if they dropped it it was n't my fault. So I just could n't bring myself to do it. And I was thankful afterwards that I did n't. "The happiest year I ever had came to me on account of that trip and the unhappiest.

I want to throw him out. He's too heavy for me to lift. You two guys look husky, and like good fellows, so I thought maybe you'd lift him out for me." As this sort of thing frequently came to the attention of the detectives, they did not suspect anything out of the ordinary when they climbed into the car and started to pull the man out of the seat.