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I wanter see the fun, you understand." "Oh! mister, it's just like I was tellin' you. I stood in the road and guv the bag a throw when I see your light over the top of the hill. She jest must be close around here somewhere," Ted wailed.

"An' 'er tears, Guv, them pearly tears went t' my 'eart an' nobody t' put a arm round that waist, nor kiss them sweet lips, nor soothe them tears away "'Oh, alone she sat sighin' by a green willer tree, With 'er 'and on 'er bosom, 'er 'ead on 'er knee, Weepin' willer" willer, willer my garlan' shall be. "So, Guv, I ax you, man to man, why, oh, why are ye neglectin' your fair young spouse?

"Then we leaves 'im at the Kernul's 'ouse, werry sick, an' we cuts hover to B Comp'ny barrick an' we sez we 'ave saved Benira from a bloody doom, an' the chances was agin there bein' p'raid on Thursday. About ten minutes later come three envelicks, one for each of us. S'elp me Bob, if the old bloke 'adn't guv us a fiver apiece sixty-four rupees in the bazar!

Thi mother may talk leawd, but her heart is as soft as parritch. Thae knows it, Mattie. Wat. All this is very interesting, only you see it's the wrong man, and I can't say he enjoys it. Take your hand off my collar will you? I'm not the man, I tell you! Bill. All I says is it's the same swell as guv me the skid to find her. I'll kiss the book on that! Ger. Mr.

"Injury!" shouted Neefit, upon whose mind the word produced an unintended idea. "No, no! Our Polly ain't like that. By G , I'd eat him, if it was that way! There ain't a duchess in the land as 'd 've guv' him his answer more ready than Polly had he ever spoke to her that way."

When he saw that he had but a choice between two dangers, he prudently took that which seemed to be the least, replying that, "all t'ings 'sidered, 'twould be 'bout as well to tote off to de settlement, and guv de news to de folks dar." He added that he was not influenced by "pussonal fear, but was simply actin' on de advice ob de Leftenant." Accordingly, Cato took his departure.

Me an' him hed lots o' fun together when I 'resided' with his mamma, didn't we, Yan? Now, Granny's the one to tell ye all about the plants." A long groan from Sam now called all attention his way. "Well, if it ain't Sam Raften," said Biddy coldly. "Yes, an' he's deathly sick," added Granny. "Their own docther guv him up an said mortal man couldn't save him nohow, so he jest hed to come to me."

"And I footed it there, and that's sixteen. And I paid one-and-sixpence for beer and grub; s'help me I did." "Dan!" said a voice from the bed, rebuking him for the impropriety of his language. "Well; I beg pardon, but I did. And they guv' me two bob; just two plain shillings, by " "Dan!" "And I'd 've arned three-and-six here at brickmaking easy; that's what I wuld.

He then crept on till he saw her enter a door, and then stole back to the forest and shambled homeward as dusky as the shadows in which he walked, chuckling, "Missy Rita, sweet honey, guv me one of dern 'Federate rags. Oh, golly! I'se got more money live Linkum money dan Mas'r Anderson hisself, and I'se got notten ter do but raise chickens an' garden sass all my born days.

'Ere 's me, a old cove as 'as lived 'ears an' 'ears an' 'ears an' 'ears longer 'n you, so nacherally I'm a powerful lot fuller o' th' wisdom o' life than you, specially in matters o' th' 'eart, Guv. Now me, 'avin' 'elped you into th' matrimonial ring, as you might say, 'ave took your 'appiness under my wing, an', Guv, I don't like the way you're shapin' " "But you see "