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"You have another letter then?" she said in a resigned tone, as if she had expected it and was prepared to meet its consequences. In her suffering she had even forgotten her customary welcome of him for whatever his attitude and however gruff he might be, she never forgot the warm heart beneath.

He looked up into the whimsically comic face of Charlie Murray, famous in film farces with funny features and gruff ways, but a heart as soft as a mother's. With no idea to whom he was speaking, John Gallant blurted: "Please, not now I can't." "Just a word with you, son; come along, let's get back to your dressing room," said the other without taking his arm from his shoulder.

"A scout has to deduce that's one of the things we learn, and if you heard somebody called 'Old Man Something-or-other, why, you'd deduce something from it, wouldn't you? And you'd be kind of scared-like. But even if you deduce that a man is going to be mad and gruff, kind of, even still you got to remember that you're a scout and if you damaged his property you got to go and tell him, anyway.

At first he heard nothing save his own breathing; then a gruff voice from above startled him. "This way, Monsieur," it said. "You are early, but not too soon!" So Madame trusted her footman! M. de Tignonville shrugged his shoulders; but after all, it was no affair of his, and he went up. Halfway to the top, however, he stood, an oath on his lips.

"By Jove!" exclaimed Harold, and looked unaffectedly surprised to see his gruff old friend submitting meekly to the stranger's advances. "Tastes differ!" was the mental comment, but aloud he said suavely, "Lion is a good judge of character. He knows when he has found a friend." "Yes, they all recognise me.

But the sound was too common in revolutionary Paris to arrest attention, and he wrote on, heeding it as little as he did the gruff voice of a pastry-cook crying his wares, the shriller call of a milkman, or the occasional rumblings of passing vehicles. But of a sudden one of those rumblings ceased abruptly at his door.

Beside the triumph in his voice there was a touch of indescribable, gruff sweetness the children knew was always in his heart no amount of curried-liver trouble could smother that. Just now it was more marked than usual. "Show us!" they cried, gathering round him. Judy helped him to his feet; he seemed a little unsteady.

The woman with the dog was in Number One. Soon I became conscious that a discussion was going on in the newly arrived circus-car whose platform touched ours. I could hear the voice of a woman and then the gruff tones of a man. Then a babel of sounds came sifting down the aisle. I stepped over the dog, who had now stretched himself at full length in the aisle, and out on to the platform.

He himself, from a strange mixture of delicate feeling and gruff reserve, had not chosen to tell what he knew about Miss Lepel and Sydney Vane; and only when it was too late did it occur to him that his silence had cost him his freedom, and might have cost him his life. He saw it all clearly now. It was quite plain to him that in some way or other Mr.

There came a brief interruption. Into our street's procession one evening, over its round cobblestones on a bicycle that wearily wobbled, there came a lean dusty figure with something distinctly familiar in the stoop of the big shoulders. "Hello, boys," said a deep gruff voice. It was.