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Why he had sent in to Vantine a card not his own, and what his business with Vantine had been, were details concerning which the police could offer no theory, and which I did not feel called upon to explain, since neither in any way made clearer the mystery of his death. An amusing incident of the inquest was the attempt made by Goldberger to heckle Godfrey, evidently at Grady's suggestion.

The light came from directly overhead, and the upper part of his face was in the shadow of his hat brim, but Max, looking closely at him, thought that he winked again. "I wanted to tell you," the foreman went on; "Grady's come around, you know and another fellow " "Yes, Max told me. I guess they won't hurt you. Good night."

"Yes," he admitted reluctantly, "I guess they're diamonds, all right," and he sat down again. "And now, gentlemen," continued Godfrey, who had watched Grady's byplay with a tolerant smile, "I am ready to turn these diamonds over to you. I should like you to count them, and give me a receipt for them."

It closed with a postscript containing the disinterested suggestion that delays were dangerous, and a hint that the writer's time was valuable and he wished to be informed whether the appointment would be kept or not. Bannon ignored the note, and all day Monday expected Grady's appearance at the office.

The light from the wall lamp was indistinct, and Bannon had to bend his head forward to see the figures. He did not look up when the door opened and Max came to the railing gate. "Grady's been up on the distributing floor," said Max, breathlessly, for he had been running. "What did he want?"

"No, I have never seen either of them; I speak from hearsay, and know nothing more than I have told you." There was nothing more to be got out of Grady's captive. But still, to know that Forsyth had reached his uncle was something. And the probability was that he was living, for if he had been dead the news would very likely have reached this gossiping Arab.

The door flew open, admitting Grady, who stalked to the railing, choking with anger. Max, who immediately followed, was grinning, his eyes resting on a round spot of dust on Grady's shoulder, and on his torn collar and disarranged tie. Peterson came in last, and carefully closed the door his eyes were blazing, and one sleeve was rolled up over his bare forearm. Neither of them spoke.

They were also at a cadet hop on the 21st, and did not get home till between two and three A. M. on the 22d. I suppose, therefore, they had 'splendid times' and very fresh society. We were somewhat surprised the other morning at Mrs. Grady's committing matrimony. I missed, at our chapel exercises, Captain Grady and our acting chaplain, but did not know at the time what prevented their attendance.

"Ho, ho, ho!" chuckled Macintosh, and the corporal began to think he had said something funny. But no; Macintosh had trodden on an unusually sharp flint, and that presented Grady's idea of what marching at ease was in a ridiculous form to his mind. So when the pang was over he was tickled. "Eh, but Grady's a poor daft creature to call this marching at ease; ho, ho!"

"But last night he had changed all around. He said he was going to have you arrested. He thinks Max has been trying to buy him off with the things we've sent him." Bannon whistled. "So our Mr. Grady's got his hands on him!" "That's what Max and I thought, but he didn't give any names. He wouldn't take the jelly." "I'm glad you told me," said Bannon, swinging his legs around and sitting up.