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Gang awa, and dinna dee the like again, was a' he said to that ane! and ye may weel be sure she never did! And noo she and Mary are followin, wi' yer ain Isy, i' the vera futsteps o' the great shepherd, throuw the gowany leys o' the New Jerus'lem whaur it may be they ca' her Isy yet, as they ca' this ane I hae to gang hame til." "Ca' they her that, sir? Eh, gar her come, gar her come!

"I don't think you told me the name of the book you were reading, Donal," she said. "Gien ye wad sit doon a meenute, mem," returned Donal, " here's a bonnie gowany spot I wad read a bit till ye, an' see gien ye likit it, afore I tellt ye the name o' 't." She dropped at once on the little gowany bed, gathered her frock about her ankles, and said, "Sit down, Nicie.

In our grey-haired days, When the gowany braes Are owre steep for our feet to climb When her back is bowed, and her lovely e'e, Once bricht as a beam frae the sun, is dim She'll be still my bit lassie to me. Stupid auld body wicked auld body Love, like the gowan's a winter liver. The smile o' a wife is the sun o' its life, An' her bosom a brae where it blooms for ever.

She spoke about her home, and her brothers and sisters, and about "the gowany braes" and "the silver Ythan," and the songs they used to sing, before it had ever come into her mind that there was trouble and care before her. She even tried to sing again, in her faint sweet voice, some of the dear old songs, laughing softly at her own foolishness.

The water gently down a level slid, With little din, but couthy what it made; On ilka side the trees grew thick and lang, And wi' the wild birds' notes were a' in sang; On either side, a full bow-shot and mair, The green was even, gowany, and fair; With easy slope on every hand the braes To the hills' feet with scatter'd bushes raise; With goats and sheep aboon, and kye below, The bonny banks all in a swarm did go.*

The water gently down a level slid, With little din, but couthy what it made; On ilka side the trees grew thick and lang, And wi' the wild birds' notes were a' in sang; On either side, a full bow-shot and mair, The green was even, gowany, and fair; With easy slope on every hand the braes To the hills' feet with scatter'd bushes raise; With goats and sheep aboon, and kye below, The bonny banks all in a swarm did go.*

The water at last closed o'er me, an' I sank frae aff the rock to the sand at the bottom. But death seemed to have no power given him to hurt me; an' I walked as light as ever I hae done on a gowany brae, through the green depths o' the sea.

In our proud young days, When the gowany braes Kenn'd the feet o' my love and me, Some ill-matched carle would girn and say "Puir things! wi' a twalmonth's marriage, and ye Will find love like a snaw-ba' decay." Stupid auld carle leein' auld carle His mother spained him wi' a canker-worm. In our auld, auld days, like gowany braes, Our love unchang'd, has its youthfu' form.

"I never saw the `gowany braes, but I shall see them soon." They had reached the gate by this time. "Come again, soon. Come into the garden, whenever you like. I am sure Mr Stirling will like to show you his flowers, you are so fond of them. I think a few of his would improve your bouquet." Mr Stirling touched his hat to his young lady.

In our young, young days, When the gowany braes Were our temple o' joy and glee, Some dour auld body would shake his head, And tell us our gladness away would flee, And our hearts beat as heavy as lead. Stupid auld body silly auld body His mother spained him wi' a canker-worm. In our auld, auld days, the gowany braes Are memory's rainbows owre time and storm.