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Updated: July 31, 2024

The doctor turned his face from the crowd, and went back alone into the empty room. "Who doesn't want Lady Mary?" he said to himself, forlornly. Peter stood on his own front door steps, on the shady side of the house, in the fresh air of the early morning. The unnecessary eyeglass twinkled on his breast as he looked forth upon the goodliness and beauty of his inheritance.

His face shone like the moon at its full and he seemed as if he had just come from the bath, with his rosy cheeks and flower-white forehead and mole like a grain of ambergris, even as says the poet: Within one mansion of the sky the sun and moon combine; With all fair fortune and delight of goodliness they shine.

Thereat Bow-may reddened and looked down, like a scholar who hath been over-praised for his learning and diligence; but the Alderman smiled on her and said: 'I thank thee, son, that thou hast let me know what these our two friends may be fain of: and as for this damsel-at-arms, it is a little thing that thou askest for her, and we might have found her something more worthy of her goodliness; yet forsooth, since we are all bound for the place where shafts and staves shall be good cheap, a greater treasure might be of less avail to her.

Now there is naught to tell of either Havelok or myself for a little while, for we went on in our new places comfortably enough. One heard much of Havelok, though, for word of him and his strength and goodliness, and of his kindness moreover, went through the town, with tales of what he had done. But I never heard that any dared to ask him to make a show of himself by doing feats of strength.

She, the well-born, the beautiful, the wealthy, the accomplished lady the betrothed bride of a young gentleman of honor the daughter of an aristocrat the star of a constellation of fashion yielding herself to the arms of a negro servant! Oh, woman! how like an angel art thou in thy virtue and goodliness! how like a devil, when thou art fallen from thy high estate!

And I said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof as the flower of the field: the grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: but the Word of our God shall stand for ever. Three hundred years after Isaiah a triumphant Apostle added, 'This is the word which by the Gospel is preached unto you. Eighteen hundred years after Peter we can echo his confident declaration, and, with the history of these centuries to support our faith, can affirm that the Christ of the Gospel and the Gospel of the Christ are in deed and in truth the Living Word of the Living God.

At this a great shout of laughter went up from all around, for the night before the stout Friar had emptied twice as many canakins of ale as any one of all the merry men. "Truly," quoth Robin, when he could speak for laughter, "I should say that thy sorrows were about equal to thy goodliness."

But He is the destroying Spirit too; who can, when He will, produce not merely life, but death; who can, and does send earthquakes, storm, and pestilence; of whom Isaiah writes "All flesh is as grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it."

A town that maketh heart and eye yearn with its goodliness, Uniting all that of devout and profligate is sought, Or comrades true, by God His grace conjoined in brotherhood, Their meeting-place the groves of palms that cluster round about. O men of Cairo, if it be God's will that I depart, Let bonds of friendship and of love unite us still in thought!

Then he fell to glorying in himself and his case and the goodliness of his entertainment and his companions, and recited these verses: None knoweth perfection of pleasure but he Who drinketh, with fair ones to hearten him still.

Word Of The Day


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