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She slowly sipped it, delighting in the sensation of warmth, of comfort, of well being that speedily diffused through her. The waiter came to receive her thanks for his advice. She said to him: "Do you have women sing, too?" "Oh, yes when we can find a good-looker with a voice. Our customers know music." "I wonder if I could get a trial?" The waiter was interested at once. "Perhaps. You sing?"

But there was a subtle change in Pierre's patient voice and clear, unhappy eyes, so that the girl fell to humming and bottled up her curiosity. But just as soon as he began to brood again she gave up her whole mind to staring at him. Gee! He was brown and strong and thin! And a good-looker! She wished that she had worn her transformation that evening and her blue blouse.

When she saw us hustling round, she asked what had happened and jumped off her horse and inquired of the Doc whether she could be of any help. He looked at her, then said yes. She's in there now. One of the men is caring for her horse." "A bay horse?" "Yes. And a pretty girl, too. I'd almost lose an arm to have a good-looker like her hovering over me." "All right, Jenks. You can go back now.

"Huh!" grunted Lee; "may be a good-looker, but I'll gamble she ain't in it with our Sorrel-top; hey, boys? Here 's to our Sorrel-top, fellers, an' th' day Circuit prances into Mancos wi' her." Several who tried to drink and cheer at the same time lost much of their liquor, but none of their enthusiasm.

You may be a good judge of dogs, but I'm blowed if I am going to take you as a judge of preachers." "The same qualities in all of them, dogs, horses, preachers," insisted Duff. "How do you make that out?" "Well, take a horse. He must be a good-looker. This preacher is a good-looker, all right, but looks ain't everything.

It was funny as hell the way she'd stick out her finger to straighten the picture deedle-dee, see my tunnin' 'ittle finger, oh my, ain't I cute, what a fine long tail my cat's got!" "But say, Earl, she's some good-looker, just the same, and O Ignatz! the glad rags she must of bought for her wedding. Jever notice these low-cut dresses and these thin shimmy-shirts she wears?

Leon Sammet will go crazy if he hears that we sell them people." "That's all right, Abe," said Morris. "We ain't doing business to spite our competitors; we're doing it to please our customers so that they'll buy goods from us and maybe they'll go crazy, too, when they see her face, Abe." "Max Fried says she is a good-looker.

"A thousand will be handed you tonight; the remainder may be retained at the final settlement, together with the compensation of the woman. You make your own terms with her; so you see you cannot lose. Sign here." "I had forgotten the woman. Is she necessary?" "It will be better to have one, as they know down there young Henley was lately married. Any good-looker, with an easy conscience, will do.

Jeff was certainly a "good-looker," and he was beginning to understand something of the attraction he must have for a woman like Elvine van Blooren. He was slim and muscular, with a keen face of decision and strength. Then, was he not on the rising wave which must ever appeal to the maturer mind of a widow, however young? His disappointment rose again and threatened to find expression.

You guess it's a pretty tough thing to see a good-looker boy go down in a big commercial fight. That's because you're a woman. This sort of thing's part of business. It's harsher, more ruthless than even war on the battlefield with guns, and bombs, and stinking gas. We're going to fight this thing just that way. There's no mercy for Mr. Bull Sternford.