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Let us start now and avoid the crush. Don't you think it would be a great idea, Alban?" He said that it would be but chancing to look at her while she spoke, he perceived the tears gathering in her eyes and knew that she had suffered a great misfortune. Richard Gessner knew nothing of Anna's racing escapades, nor had he any friend who made it his business to betray them.

Let him but consent to claim his rights, Gessner had said, and every ambition should be gratified. No other explanation than that of a lagging justice could he obtain and no other had he come to desire. If he remained at Hampstead, the image of Anna Gessner, of a perfect womanhood as he imagined it, kept him to the house.

She heard him calmly and delivered her answer as calmly. "I shall marry him if you do not," she said. Gessner stood quite still and watched her face closely. It had grown hard and cold, the face of a woman who has taken a resolution and will not be turned from it. "You will marry Forrest?" he asked quietly. "I shall marry him and he will pay my debts."

That thrill of satisfaction which attends a fine declaration of identity came to Alban then as it has done to many a great man in the hour of his vanity. The son of Richard Gessner yes, his patron would acknowledge him for that! The police themselves admitted the title by almost instant capitulation.

That is what my friends wish, they have thought it all out. I am to go as your servant and you must get a passport for me for Lois Werner, and then if you call me by my own name no one will know. There we can see Mr. Gessner together and speak of my father. I will promise him that his secret shall never be known. He will trust me, Alban, because I promise him."

Let me implore you to remember that he desires to be your benefactor not your judge. There is no kinder heart, no more worthy gentleman in all London to-day than Richard Gessner. That much I know and my opportunities are unique." Alban could make no reply to this; nor did he desire one.

He quite understood that such a man as Sergius Zamoyski would have very good reasons indeed. Count Sergius believed that he had settled the affaire Gessner when he gave his instructions to the Chief of the Police, and the subsequent hours found him exceedingly pleased with himself.

The first he had studied in the authors of antiquity in his third volume, beginning in this with the episode of Cupid and Psyche in Apuleius; then following up, through the moderns, the expression of Ingenuous Love in Corneille, La Fontaine, Sédaine, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Milton, Gessner, Voss, André Chénier, and Chateaubriand. For the last he finds more blame than praise.

"To your room, sir?" "To my room are you deaf?" "I beg your pardon, sir. Miss Gessner has returned." "My daughter when?" "After dinner, sir." "Was there any one with her?" "I didn't rightly see, sir. Fellows opened the door he could tell you, sir." Gessner cast a searching glance upon the man's face And then mounted the great staircase with laborious steps.

The extraordinary erudition and originality of Albert's treatise on plants drew from Meyer the comment: No botanist who lived before Albert can be compared with him unless Theophrastus, with whom he was not acquainted; and after him none has painted nature in such living colors or studied it so profoundly until the time of Conrad Gessner and Cæsalpino.