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Lilian sprang up, then the room seemed to swim round. She caught at the chair back to steady herself and gave a great gasp. "Oh, and my mother, Mrs. Boyd, took the child, but they all thought the nurse the real mother. And, oh she could not bear to give up the baby. Oh, you must forgive her." "In the confusion I can see that it was very easily done. Dr. Kendricks went out at once.

"Is he better now?" asked Horace again, knowing perfectly well what the dreaded answer would be. "He is not, my boy," said the doctor gravely. "We telegraphed to your mother at once, as you know but before that telegram could have reached her your poor father " It was enough. Poor Horace closed his ears convulsively against the fatal word, and dropped back on his chair with a gasp.

Upon this morning someone called him; he turned his head; the water still flowed, and Aunt Amy, hatless and defenceless, received it as it tumbled with that sudden rush which always seizes a watering-can at its last gasp. Jeremy was banished into his bedroom, where he employed the sunny morning in drawing pictures of Aunt Amy as a witch upon the wallpaper.

Journeying down by the mail-train in the face of a great sunken sunset broken with cloud, I chanced to ask myself what it was that I seriously desired to have. My purpose to curb my father was sincere and good; but concerning my heart's desires, whitherward did they point? I thought of Janet she made me gasp for air; of Ottilia, and she made me long for earth.

'Canst thou answer to thy conscience for pulling all those fish out of the water, and leaving them to gasp in the sun? said a voice, clear and sonorous as a bell. I started, and looked round. Close behind me stood the tall figure of a man, dressed in raiment of quaint and singular fashion, but of goodly materials.

"Between the two for me," said Mrs. Kimbal. "Not suddenly, but firmly and without hesitation." She gave a little shivery gasp. "It's not really cold," she said. "How strong the current pulls. Will you have to swim and tow me?" "Yes," he said. "Then wait," she said. "Don't let me be carried away."

Katherine flushed, caught her breath in a little gasp, and, clenching the hand which held the calico, said rather unsteadily: "Mary and I have certainly not discussed sweethearts and that sort of stuff, as you call it." Mr.

Elmer, watching out of the tail of his eye, could see how pale the other had become, and he was secretly amused. It was just like Lil Artha, when their skiff was directly under the suspected tree, to utter a low gasp, and proceed to elevate his gun in a hurry, as though sighting the quarry.

She shut her teeth tightly, and turned back again. "I wouldn't, Miss Loughead," she began. But her voice sounded cold and unsympathetic, and Amy clung to Polly tighter than ever. Ben now looked in. "Come, Polly," he said. "You really ought to be out here, and it's almost three o'clock." Amy gave a gasp. "What shall I do?"

We rushed to our little boat in consternation, but before we could lower it, our trim little vessel went down, stern foremost. For a few moments there was a horrible rushing sound in my ears, and I felt that I could hold my breath no longer when my head rose above the surface. I struck out with a gasp of relief, which was, as it were, echoed close to me.