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Updated: September 7, 2024

A lot of ragged children were industriously making dust-pies in the road, two men lay on the grass smoking, and three women were doing the family washing in an old red watering-can with the top broken off. In a moment all the gipsies, men, women, and children, surrounded Anthea and the Baby.

Sir,” cried the gardener, with a very serious countenance, “there were once seven pigeons who said, ‘Seven pigeons are we, and——’” “Take your watering-can,” shouted Pedro in disgust; “I will not listen to your nonsense!”

No one entertains more pleasantly than the S family and no one is more informal. If you come on the minute for your dinner, it is likely that none of the family is about. After a search J is found in a flannel shirt in his garden with a watering-can. "Hello!" he says in surprise. "What time is it? Have you come already for dinner?"

In a moment a step sounded on the path outside, and Rufus reappeared. He had been out to fill her watering-can, and he deposited it full at her feet. "Don't put it there!" she said, with a touch of sharpness. "I don't want to tumble over it, do I? Thank you for filling it, but you needn't have troubled. I've done."

But now the watering-can is taken from you, and you must depend upon the rain: more generous, more fruitful, than anything which your own efforts could manage, but, in its incalculable visitations, utterly beyond your control.

"Oh, I say, Weeden, how do you know? Do tell me. I won't say a word, I promise." But the Head Gardener kept his one eye the other was of glass upon the spout of his watering-can, and answered in a voice that issued from his boots "Because to-morrow's Sunday, Master Tim, unless something 'appens to prevent it."

Dickon took his spade and dug the hole deeper and wider than a new digger with thin white hands could make it. Mary slipped out to run and bring back a watering-can. When Dickon had deepened the hole Colin went on turning the soft earth over and over. He looked up at the sky, flushed and glowing with the strangely new exercise, slight as it was.

Then, in a secluded path in the shrubberies, she came across a child's glove and a toy watering-can, and as she was going downstairs to dinner, and was passing a broad staircase window, she noticed upon its broad ledge a little bunch of daisies. She looked at them and took them up in her hand.

Do you mean the cobblers, the hucksters, the fishermen, and the bakers?" "Yes, sir, they have all risen in revolt." "Very well, I'll be there directly and tell them to be quiet." "Oh, sir, you speak as if you could extinguish the burning city with this watering-can. The will of Allah be done!"

To explain what that word "belong" means, I show him how he has given his time, his labour, and his trouble, his very self to it; that in this ground there is a part of himself which he can claim against all the world, as he could withdraw his arm from the hand of another man who wanted to keep it against his will. One fine day he hurries up with his watering-can in his hand. What a scene of woe!

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