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In the interview between Wallace and Hazelrig in the house in the Wellgate in Lanark, when Wallace dramatically draws his sword in answer to the supplication for mercy, and says: "Ay, the same mercy as you showed my Marion," Robert's voice would thunder forth the words with terrible sternness, while Nellie would gasp and catch her breath in a quick little sob of excitement, as the feeling of satisfied justice filled her heart.

Farmer Blaize was quite at his ease; nowise in a hurry. He spoke of the weather and the harvest: of recent doings up at the Abbey: glanced over that year's cricketing; hoped that no future Feverel would lose a leg to the game. Richard saw and heard Arson in it all. He blinked harder as he neared the cup. In a moment of silence, he seized it with a gasp. "Mr. Blaize!

'Nothin', answered Sally, with a brave little gasp to stop the crying, turning her face downwards so that Liza should not see the tears in her eyes; but they were too strong for her, and, quickly taking out her handkerchief, she hid her face in it and began to sob broken-heartedly. Liza looked at the mother in interrogation.

The doctor gave his hand, his eyes being still held by those of Julius, and instantly, as it seemed to him, he plunged, as a man dives into the sea, into a gulf of unconsciousness, from which he presently emerged with something like a gasp and with a tremulous sensation about his heart.

'You did not explain Him! You never will! He stood, held by her, his gaze meeting hers. Then in an instant his faced changed, blanched before her he seemed to gasp for breath she was only just able to save him from falling. It was apparently another swoon of exhaustion.

But the fellows will gasp when I step into the arena." "Thank you, Todd. Why will they gasp?" "Footer isn't my line, sir." "Hasn't been, Todd. Anyhow, they'll be delighted when you whistle them up." "I hope they'll be delighted when I've finished, sir," said Gus, doubtfully. "One side won't, of course," said Taylor, cheerfully. "That is natural, and the usual thing.

A relic from the days of slavery, I suppose, and they're so little just a room or two that you gasp when you see large families standing out in front of them. It's beyond me to figure out how they can all go to sleep at once. "Lois suggests that they take turns and I think she must be right.

"He laughs sometimes kind o' laughs." "I'll make him laugh real, if I can," Cassy rejoined. "I've made a lot of people laugh in my time." The old woman leaned suddenly over, and drew the red, ridiculous head to her shoulder with a gasp of affection, and her eyes were full of tears. "Cassy," she exclaimed, "Cassy, you make me cry!" and then she turned and hurried from the room.

"At least I can dig up the beds and get rid of the weeds, and then perhaps for this summer only we might take refuge in geraniums and begonias. Just for one summer, till something else will grow." She sighed, and set to work with her spade, giving it a push into the ground with her foot in professional style, and pausing to gasp and straighten her back between every second or third attempt.

He reconnoitred the whole ground, and issued orders for the immediate destruction of the Kirkway, the last important barrier which separated the fleet from Leyden. Then, after a long conference with Admiral Boisot, he returned to Delft. Meantime, the besieged city was at its last gasp.