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At night, when they got home to their garret-room, "Old Man" Drubb would take off his green goggles, and was perfectly able to see Peter, and if Peter had made the slightest mistake during the day he would beat him. When Drubb was arrested, Peter was taken to the orphan asylum, and there was another "Old Man," and the same harsh lesson of subservience to be learned.

Her motherly heart thought a great deal about the matter, and her thoughts finally ended in her fitting up a large garret-room, which had never been occupied, with four little white beds and other necessaries and conveniences, and taking the four convalescents home with her as permanent boarders. The girls, while paying no more than they had heretofore done, profited greatly by the change.

"I'm used to bein' mista'en'," answered Cupples simply, perceiving that he had got hold of a character. "Mak nae apologies, I beg ye, but answer my queston." "Weel, sir, to tell the trowth, seein' ye're a gentleman, we hae a room oorsels. But it's a garret-room, and maybe�-" "Then I'll hae't, whatever it be, gin ye dinna want ower muckle for't."

And so the ruin of the club was complete; and so, too, this merry band of roysterers, with one or two exceptions, passes out of those pages. Dear boys of the long ago, what has become of you all since those old days in that garret-room on Union Square?

I will implore this man to have pity upon me, and confide in him to whom they would sell me." Trude shook her head mournfully. "I fear it will be in vain, dear child. This man has no heart. I have proved him, and I know it. Hark the bell rings! Who can it be?" Both stepped out of the little garret-room to peep over the banister.

There is a square hole between the rafters, and a ladder leading up to it. You may climb and look into the attic, as Jess liked to hear me call my tiny garret-room. I am stiffer now than in the days when I lodged with Jess during the summer holiday I am trying to bring back, and there is no need for me to ascend.

He turns out delightful bits of carving and cabinet-making from time to time, and he mends everything broken in the house with infinite painstaking. Up there in his garret-room the troubles fall away from him, and he forgets the lash of Mrs. Patrick's tongue. The hardest thing is that she discourages the children's friendship for him, and he would dearly love the children if only he might.

It was a bare garret-room, with a dim light burning at the farther end. There was another old woman watching by the bed; the parish apothecary's apprentice was standing by the fire, making a toothpick out of a quill. 'Cold night, Mrs. Corney, said this young gentleman, as the matron entered.

His only window looked out on a courtyard, a narrow, dark shaft, where only the rats could have seen his three Japanese lanterns. He needed a public opening. He found it. On the first floor of his house lived a rich man, a nobleman and a royalist, whose coachman, also a reactionary, occupied a garret-room on the sixth floor, facing the street.

Marie has lost a mother, but she shall find a father in me. I will watch over her until your return." Just then the door opened, and Trude entered. "Every thing is ready; all the things which used to stand in the little garret-room are packed and sent to the manufactory. Shall we go, too, dear child?" "Yes," she cried, embracing the faithful old woman. "Farewell, Philip Italy calls you!"