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The light battery of Hotchkiss one-pounders, under Lieutenant J. B. Hughes, of the Tenth Cavalry, was handled with conspicuous gallantry. On the hill-slope immediately around me I had a mixed force composed of members of most of the cavalry regiments, and a few infantrymen. There were about fifty of my Rough Riders with Lieutenants Goodrich and Carr.

"DEAR SIR, It was with infinite pleasure that General Phillips and myself observed the gallantry and address with which you conducted your attack upon the provision-vessel in the hands of the enemy.

The bar was besieged, and potmen and barmaids were quickly busy drawing beer and handing it over to the eager folk outside. Gallantry ordered that the faithful swain and the amorous shepherdess should drink out of one and the same pot. ''Urry up an' 'ave your whack, said Corydon, politely handing the foaming bowl for his fair one to drink from.

The Victoire steer'd for Carthagene, off which Port they cruised some Days, but meeting with nothing in the Seas, they made for Porto Bello; in their Way they met with two Dutch Traders, who had Letters of Mart, and were just come upon the Coast, the one had 20, the other 24 Guns; Misson engaged them, and they defended themselves with a great Deal of Resolution and Gallantry; and as they were mann'd a Peak, he darst not venture to board either of them, for fear of being at the same Time boarded by the other.

On their first interview he was more struck by her personal charms than he had ever been with any woman's, although few were so noted for gallantry in the English court as himself. He could hardly understand the nature of his feelings while discoursing with her.

Measures of defense. Battle of Valmy. Gallantry of the Duke of Chartres. Embarrassment of Egalité. Continued war against France. The Battle of Jemappes. Peril of the Orleans family. Decision of the Duke of Orleans. Origin of the Tri-color. The Decree of Banishment. Battle of Nerwinde. Charges against Dumouriez. The Flight. Supposed Plan of Dumouriez. Wanderings on the Rhine.

She had few or no faults besides what she contracted in her gallantry. As her passion of love influenced her conduct more than politics, she who was the Amazon of a great party degenerated into the character of a fortune-hunter. But the grace of God brought her back to her former self, which all the world was not able to do. Character of Madame de Chevreuse.

You do own an estate in Basilicata, at least your brother does these good people here would not be apt to discover the difference and the rest is a matter of plausibility. My little affair of gallantry grows embarrassing. Such affairs are so easy to inaugurate; extrication is more difficult. However, without it I should have failed to interest my investor and there is always the charm.

In the mean time the party pursued their route joyfully. Having once taken his resolution, the Master of Ravenswood was not of a character to hesitate or pause upon it. He abandoned himself to the pleasure he felt in Miss Ashton's company, and displayed an assiduous gallantry which approached as nearly to gaiety as the temper of his mind and state of his family permitted.

I discovered, by means of a gentleman at the Opera who was acquainted with him, where he lived, and I waited upon him with an intention to offer my services towards settling the affair by arbitration: for since you call him poor Mr Belfield, I think you will permit me, without offence to his antagonist, to own that his gallantry, though too impetuous for commendation, engaged me in his interest."