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Ever since she could remember there had been "fusses" about money; yet she and her mother had always got what they wanted, apparently without lasting detriment to the family fortunes. It was therefore natural to conclude that there were ample funds to draw upon, and that Mr. Spragg's occasional resistances were merely due to an imperfect understanding of what constituted the necessities of life.

A body like me that has to keep a house clean, and cook and wash, and mind the children, to say naught of the sewing and the mending, and looking after the cows and the hens, and all the extra fusses and worries that come along, she hasn't got no time to remember herself, and when she gets to bed she's too tired to think. Now if you was to have some work "

"She loves Pickering," she said thoughtfully, "and when he was so bad she cried almost all the time, Mrs. Higby." "Oh! she loves him well enough," answered Mrs. Higby, "but she fusses over him so, and wants her way all the same.

Tom never hurries, fusses, or falters, be the weather never so boisterous afloat or the domestic tribulations never so wild ashore. When Nelly, his third wife, tore her hair out by the roots in double handfuls and danced upon it, Tom calmly observed, "That fella make fool belonga himself!"

Her poor cousin the poplar, often so like her as to deceive you until ashen bough and rounded leaf instruct the eye, always grows near her like a protecting servant. The poor cousin rustles and fusses. But my calm lady stands in perfect beauty, among pines straight as candles, never tremulous, never trivial.

One place, however, is empty; by right it is Roger's, who, except when Fabian is absent, never sits at the foot of the table. Sir Christopher fusses a little, grows discontented, and finally says uneasily "Where is Fabian?" "He has a headache, dear," says Dulce, gently. "He hopes we will all excuse him especially Portia."

Allee's eyes were as round as saucers with astonishment. "Yes. They wear big, wooden boats for shoes. I guess their feet must be extra big anyway, their shoes are simply e-mense and will hold a lot. Then there's the French people, they always save up all the fusses and scraps they have had with other folks during the year, and on Christmas Day they go around and get forgiven.

But the flaw of a certain insincerity in Mr. Flack's nature was suggested by his present tendency to rare visits. He evidently didn't care for her father in himself, and though this mild parent always took what was set before him and never made fusses she is sure he felt their old companion to have fallen away. There were no more wanderings in public places, no more tryings of new cafes. Mr.

Whether one sorts soiled clothes in a laundry, or reclines on a chaise-longue with thirty-eight small hand-embroidered and belaced pillows and a pink satin covering, or sits in a library and fusses over Adam Smith, no one of the three is in a position to pass judgment on the satisfaction or lack of satisfaction of the other two.

"No, he won't," said James, almost fiercely; "he's at the funeral. You think I know nothing." "Well," said Emily with calm, "you shouldn't get into such fusses when we tell you things." And plumping up his cushions, and putting the sal volatile beside him, she left the room.