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And I hopped for the things in her desk. "You can copy it when you feel better." And, don't you know, she let me do it! After three tryings I finished it, then read it out loud: DEAR LADIES, If any one applies for Pinkie Moore, I hope you will let her go. Pinkie is the best and most useful girl in the Asylum. More than two years ago I said differently.

But the flaw of a certain insincerity in Mr. Flack's nature was suggested by his present tendency to rare visits. He evidently didn't care for her father in himself, and though this mild parent always took what was set before him and never made fusses she is sure he felt their old companion to have fallen away. There were no more wanderings in public places, no more tryings of new cafes. Mr.

How we struggle and rage at first at the very thought of the coming misery; and are ready to say, God will not do this! He cannot cannot be so unjust, so cruel, as to bring this misery on me. What have I done to deserve it? Or, if I have deserved it, what have these innocents done? Why should they be punished for my sins? After all my prayers, too, and my church-goings, and my tryings to be good.

"Tryings on" were numerous during the next few mornings; but, while Eunice's blouse gradually assumed a trig and reputable appearance, Peggy's developed each time a fresh set of creases and wrinkles.

Not a mew nor a growl at all the often-repeated fittings and tryings on. She purred kindly all the time. Her carriage was a bandbox, big enough to avoid crushing the cap and tail, with a hole cut in the cover for ventilation; and Miss Pussy set off for town. "A whole day gone, and no cat!" exclaimed Miss Mary , as the family rose from tea. "The joke is over now, whatever it was."