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"On Mayday," says King James, "when everybody is bound to Peblis to the play," "At Beltane quhan ilke bodie bownis To Peblis to the play, To heir the singing and sweit soundis, The solace suth to say. Be firth and forest furth they found, They graythit them full gay; God wot that wald they do that stound, For it was thair feist day They said Of Peblis to the Play."

He wad never hae made sic a sicht o' bonny things to lat them lie wi'oot onybody to gaither them! An' there's nae ill fowk the furth at this time o' nicht, ta mak an oogly din, or disturb him wi' the sicht o' them. He maun come oot i' the quaiet o' the nicht, or else what's 't a' for? That 'll be what the deep sleep fa's upo' men for, doobtless to haud them oot o' his gait! Eh!

Mrs Mair only, who was walking with a friend, gave him a kind nod. Blue Peter, who followed at a little distance, turned and walked back with him. "I'm exerceesed i' my min'," he said, as soon as they were clear of the stragglers, "aboot the turn things hae taen, doon by at the Barn." "They tell me there's some gey queer customers taen to haudin' furth," returned Malcolm.

An acquaintance of the author's, Major Schub, in the 19th Infantry Regiment, stationed in Erlangen, dared some years ago to send his orderly with a she-goat to a peasant in the district who kept the indispensable he-goat. Two days later he was pilloried in a Furth paper for calling upon a private soldier to fulfil such a degrading office.

Friedrich might well think himself bewitched not to have gone for Cham and Furth, and the Passes of the Bohmer-Wald, according to his own notion. But so it was; he yielded to the big reputation of Belleisle, and to fear of what the world would say of him in France; a weakness which he will perhaps be taught not to repeat.

In trying, on the suggestion of Gauss, to employ the rails of the Nurenberg to Furth railway as the conducting line for a telegraph in the year 1838, he found they would not serve; but the failure led him to employ the earth as the return half of the circuit.

"Is that wuman furth the hoose, Jean?" she asked, in the tone of one who waited her answer in the affirmative as a preliminary condition of all further conversation. "She's gane, mem," answered Jean adding to herself in a wordless thought, "I'm no sayin' whaur." "She's a wuman I wadna hae ye throng wi', Jean." "I ken no ill o' her, mem," returned Jean.

Now and again in the day-time, and generally in fair weather, she had gone as far as Fürth, and on one occasion even as far as Würzburg with her aunt when there had been a great gathering of German Anabaptists at that town; but she had never before travelled at night, and she had certainly never before travelled in such circumstances as those which now enveloped her.

It jist drives me horn daft to think 'at ever he got the breast o' me. But I s' hae a grip o' 'im yet, or my name 's no what they ca' me." "It 's the w'y o' the warl', Mistress Findlay. What cud ye expec' o' ane born in sin an' broucht furth in ineequity?" a stock phrase of Mrs Catanach's, glancing at her profession, and embracing nearly the whole of her belief. "It 's a true word.