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An' now ye ter be talkin' 'bout heavin' the leetle, harmless deedie over the bluff!" "What ails yer hearin'?" retorted Drann angrily. "I said su'thin' his coat, his hat throw su'thin' over, ter make folks think he war in the accident, too mare run away and the whole consarn flopped bodaciously over the bluff!

For a second still he kept upright; then he flopped to the ground, falling face downwards, his arms huddled under him. The mare, all her spirit gone, stood lamb-like and waited. As he did not stir she turned and sniffed at him, curiously. Still he lay prone, and, having stretched her tired jaws, she raised her head and uttered a whinny an almost human cry of distress.

A silvery moon triumphantly rode the clear cold over-arching sky. Ippolyte Ippolytovich lay upon his sofa. He felt nothing. The space occupied by his body resembled only a great, dark, hollow bin in which there was nothing! Close by, a rat flopped across the floor, but the old man did not hear. A teasing autumnal fly settled on his eyebrow, he did not wink.

She was the first to arrive, and, bustling out of the old broken-down wagon, she seized the parson's hand in a mighty grip as he met her at the gate. "God bless ye, sir!" she ejaculated. "I'm more'n delighted to see ye. I was on me knees scrubbin' the kitchen floor when Patsy Garlick dropped in an' told me the news. It so overcome me that I flopped right down an' bawled like a calf."

"Is that the way to do things?" He got up, put on his dressing-gown, and staggering, half asleep, flopped in his slippers to the shop. "What . . . is it?" he asked Obtyosov. "Give me . . . give me four pennyworth of peppermint lozenges." Sniffing continually, yawning, dropping asleep as he moved, and knocking his knees against the counter, the chemist went to the shelf and reached down the jar.

It flashed to the eye of the raiding rogue-raven, and he altered course towards it, when it turned into a female great black-backed gull, running, literally racing, to her nest, which the raven could now see, with its two big, buff, dark-splashed eggs. Down flopped the giant gull upon her treasure, and began yelling, "How-how-how-how!" at the top of her voice.

He draped a sheet over the towel-horse to represent an iceberg, and rolled himself up in a mackintosh and flopped about the floor on his stomach, butting his head occasionally against the table in order to suggest to them their danger. The attitude of the children still remained that of polite spectators.

And when the old scamp flopped into the water he always heard a great whooping from the bank. At such times as likely as not Timothy had been awakened from a sound sleep. But when that jeering noise greeted his ears he knew at once what had struck him. It was a good thing for him that he had a hard back. Nevertheless it always made him angry to be disturbed when he was taking a nap.

Moxley who had made Nancy's graduating costume that June, and never had been seen on the platform of West Haven High School such a fashionable toilette. It had a hobble skirt and a fancy little train that flopped about Nancy's feet like a beaver's tail, and at the reception afterwards the boys had teased her until she left in tears.

On that, he stepped to his pony, put a foot in the stirrup, and one hand on the saddle horn, and paused. She could easily have flopped down in the road, and wept. Once he had raged at her, once he had thrilled her with a look, and now he was simply dismissing her, leaving her, as her father would have put it, "to stew in her own juice."