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Presently there was heard among the bushes a whirring of wings, and up flew a covey of large birds of the turkey species. Flinn stepped briskly aside, saying, "Now thin, let drive!" while the attenuated black fell cautiously in rear. Bang! bang! went Slagg's gun. "Oh!" he cried, conscience-stricken; "there, if I haven't done it again!"

Moreover, he took Letta with him, and he hunted many a day through the jungles of that land in company with his friend Redpath, and his henchman Flinn. And, long afterwards, he returned to England, a sturdy middle-aged man, with a wife whose beauty was unabated because it consisted, chiefly, in that love of heart to God and man which lends never-fading loveliness to the human countenance.

But "Paddy" Flinn or Micky Flinn, as he was indifferently called by his friends had a subtle knack of behaving in an undignified manner, without jeopardising the respect due to him; for, let his vagaries take what form they would, he never by any chance descended to the committal of a mean, cowardly, or ungentlemanly act.

Not at all," added Bert as the boys lifted the table bodily and put it in a comer of the room. "Now you see 'em," said Joe, helping to unfold two screens borrowed for the occasion, "and now you don't." "Yes, but they're there all the same," argued Dorothy unconvinced. "Mrs. Flinn will change all that, little sister," answered her brother condescendingly.

The connection was made clear by the testimony of William Flinn, a contractor boss, before a committee of the United States Senate. Flinn explained the reason for a written agreement between Quay on the one hand and Flinn and one Brown in behalf of Chris Magee, the Big Boss, on the other, for the division of the sovereignty of western Pennsylvania.

Flinn reminded him of the fact, however, when, soon after entering the jungle, his straw hat was blown off his head by an accidental discharge of Slagg's gun.

Flinn left the room and entered the servants' quarters with something like a groan. "Sure it's bad luck has followed me iver since I left owld Ireland." "What's wrong with you?" asked Slagg, looking up from the slice of peacock breast with which he was regaling himself. "The matter? Och, it's bad luck's the matter.

"Where's the other twin?" asked Paul, seeing William alone. "Unavoidably detained, Captain. May be on deck later. Here comes another bunch," and William stepped aside to allow the sentry to halt Andy Flinn, who had arrived in company with Jud Elderkin, the latter as tall and thin as the former was fat and pudgy.

Flinn thrust the gun aside, but he was too late to prevent the explosion, which was followed by a lamentable cry, as a huge monkey fell into Slagg's arms, knocked him over with the shock, and bounded off his breast into its native woods, shrieking. "Arrah! he's niver a bit the worse," cried Flinn, laughing, in spite of his native politeness, "it was the fright knocked him off the branch.

So that we have done a very good-night's work, I think." "Capital," said the skipper. "Couldn't well be better, except for our losses in killed and wounded. Let the poor fellows be transferred at once, if you please, Mr Flinn. When they are all stowed comfortably away, we will shift the silver into the frigate also; then there will not be much fear of its recapture.