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He seized his cutlass as he spoke, and dashed towards the ladder, followed by Bowls, Bolter, Flinn, and others; but it was so crowded with men carrying the wounded down to the cockpit that they had to pause at the foot. At that moment a handsome young midshipman was carried past, apparently badly wounded. "Och!" exclaimed Flinn, in a tone of deep anxiety, "it's not Mister Cleveland, is it?

The surgeon and his assistant now trundled down over the side, with their tools under their arms, and went on board the prizes to attend to the poor fellows who were wounded, Mr Flinn returning with them to arrange the prize crews, and to anchor the prizes, the skipper having come to the determination to remain in smooth water until the wounded had all been attended to and placed comfortably in their own hammocks on board the frigate.

"Why, they are in the last stage of starvation. Round-to and back the main-yard, if you please, Mr Flinn. Mr Chester, take the gig, and tow them alongside. Where's the doctor?" I jumped into the gig, with six hands; she was lowered down, the tackles unhooked, and away we went. A few strokes took us alongside the boat; and I then saw a sight which I shall never forget.

Into the midst of this longing, clinging cry for help there came a knock. "Judge Erskine would like to have you come to the library for a few minutes, if you have not retired." This was Katie Flinn's message. And Ruth, as she swiftly set about obeying the summons, said: "Oh, Katie, pray for father!" for among those who, during the last few weeks, had learned to pray was Katie Flinn.

"I see you have brought both vessels out with you. What are they?" "To tell you the truth, sir," answered Flinn, "we have had no time yet to find out what they are. They are both Spaniards, however, and, if I am not greatly mistaken, we shall find that the brigantine is little better than a pirate." "Um!" said the skipper, "likely enough; she has all the look of it.

This disheartened the Frenchmen, and they began to give way, and at that moment in came Flinn and his lot over the starboard quarter, laying about them right and left. That settled the business; the Johnnies flung down their arms and cried for quarter, which of course we gave them.

Flinn looked at me, and I at him; but neither of us could plead guilty, so the matter dropped for the time.

Do you think Ruth is gone?" Yes, Judge Erskine knew that his daughter was out, for she stepped into the library to leave a message a few moments ago, and she was then dressed for the street, and had passed out a moment afterward. Then did he know whether Katie Flinn, the chamber-maid, was in? "Of course you won't know," she added, blushing and smiling at the absurdity of her question.

"I have rather diluted the dose than otherwise," returned Redpath. "Let me introduce Mr Slagg. He wishes to see Indian life in the `servants'-hall. Let him see it, and treat him well." "Yours to command," said Flinn, with a nod as he led the horses away. "This way, Mr Slug." "Slagg, if you please, Mr Flinn," said Jim.

Beside her was a black nurse with a white baby. "Here we are, Flinn," said Redpath, leaping to the ground. "All well, eh?" "Sure we're niver anything else here, sor," replied Flinn, with a modest smile. "I've just been relating your electrical experiences to my friends," said the master. "Ah! now, it's drawin' the long bow you've been," returned the man; "I see it in their face."