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The "Artemise" was purchased into the British navy, under the same name, and the command of her given to Mr Flinn. Mr Woods was raised to the rank of first lieutenant, and Mr Vining also moved a step up the ratlines, leaving a vacancy for a third lieutenant, which our skipper most kindly filled up by giving me an acting order.

"I will speak to Mr Flinn about it, and I am sure he will excuse me." "Very well, then; that's arranged," said the doctor. "Now run away with that draught. If the poor boy is still agitated, give it him at once; if not, keep it by you for the present."

And have the poles ready to fend off, if we get into any bad hole." The boys were strung along the sides of the slowly moving motorboats. Every fellow came near holding his breath with nervousness. "Excuse me from getting stuck here in this nasty mess," remarked Nat Smith, on board the roomier boat with Jack, Bobolink, Tom Betts, Andy Flinn, Curly Baxter, Spider Sexton, Frank Savage and Bob Tice.

Things, he said, were going on so satisfactorily at Portsmouth that he had felt no hesitation about leaving everything to Mr Flinn and accepting an invitation which my father had pressed upon him on the occasion of his first visit to spend Christmas at the rectory, and to indulge in the unwonted luxury of a thorough rest.

In twenty minutes more we rounded the point, and there lay the "Astarte," a couple of miles off, rolling heavily upon the ground-swell. On reaching her, both our prizes were hove-to as close to the frigate and to each other as was consistent with safety, and Mr Flinn and I jumped into the gig and went on board to report.

Why, he had 'em so badly rattled that they all just about camped out on the pavement the rest of that night." "Sure, I remember that," declared Andy Flinn, laughing. "Three nights did he play the same joke, and then they got on to him. Wan officer do be sneakin' up to the loft, while the rist pretended to be huntin' around downstairs.