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Had they seen a sign of flinching they might have risked the issue, but there was none. With muttered curses, they slunk away. Sinclair shut and bolted the door, then opened the one leading to the bedroom. "Foster," he said, "the train will pass here in half an hour. Have you money enough?" "Plenty, Major." "Very well; keep perfectly quiet and I will try to get you safely off."

Never was the fear of death more plainly written on human face. All of the men went ahead without flinching or failing, but the muscles of their jaws were knotted, their faces were the color of chalk, and one or two dismounted for a moment, subject to the physical effects of fear.

She even kissed Gaga in wishing him goodnight, and received his eager kisses in return without flinching. At last she too went to her bed in the adjoining room, and undressed and lay down in the darkness. From where she lay Sally could hear Gaga moving, and could see the glimmer of the light in his room which would burn until the morning.

"Have you the nerve to attempt things that the average man would never dream of tackling? "Have you the persistence to keep on trying after repeated failures? "Can you cut out luxuries? Can you do without things that others consider necessities? "Can you go up against skepticism, ridicule, friendly advice to quit, without flinching?

Amos Burr spat a mouthful of tobacco juice through the open window, flinching before the boy's steady glance. He was a mild-natured man at best, whose chief sin was his softness. It would not have entered his slow-witted head to protest against the accusations of his wife. When they stung him into revolt he revolted in the opposite direction. But his failures were faults in his son's eyes.

It was only then that she was conscious of the theatricalities from which she had emerged, of the man so close beside her, still waiting for her play-acting word of decision. It was only then, too, that she fully understood the adroitness, the smooth and supple alertness, of her ever-wary and watchful companion. But she rose to the situation without a visible sign of flinching.

She told him where to find it, and he cooled the steaming water to a temperature that she could endure without flinching. Then he made her rest her arm in it. "That'll comfort it," he said. "Now, have you got any spirits in the house?" "I don't drink spirits," she said quickly. He smiled again. "No? But you must this time just to complete the cure. Tell me where to find them!"

Vastly pleased with the daily bottle of stout we got for him with such difficulty, from supplies, he faced the awful daily dressing of his shattered leg without flinching, pretending to great comfort and an excellent position of his splint, which his crooked leg and my practised eye belied.

And still, day after day, Andrew built his imitation saddle closer and closer to the real thing, until he had taken a real pair of cinches off one of Pop's saddles and had taught her to stand the pressure without flinching. There was another great return from Andrew's long and steady intimacy with the mare. She came to accept him absolutely.

'Humph! replied he, and having honoured me with a broad stare which, contrary to his expectations, I sustained without flinching- -he turned away with an air of supreme contempt, and stalked into the house. Tom next went to tell his mamma. It was not her way to say much on any subject; but, when she next saw me, her aspect and demeanour were doubly dark and chilled.