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Diana had quite a nice time for the rest of the morning. Uncle William had not the least idea of sending her back to the schoolroom. "It's very hot," he said, "and I feel sleepy. I dare say you do also." "I do awfu'," answered Diana. "You isn't a bad old man, not at all," she continued. Here she raised her fat hand and stroked his flabby cheek. "You hates writing sermons, don't you?"

"I'm not afraid for Jerry," I growled. "No chameleon will change his color. What else did she say?" "She was very much pleased at Jerry's compliment. "'Someone has taught you to be very polite, she said with a smile. "'Polite? asked Jerry. 'Merely because I was hoping you weren't flabby? "'Well, I'm not flabby, she smiled indulgently. 'I hate flabby people.

Murdoch for an appointment." "You're flabby," said Dr. Murdoch the next morning to an anxious Doggie in pink pyjamas; "but that's merely a matter of unused muscles. Physical training will set it right in no time. Otherwise, my dear Trevor, you're in splendid health. I was afraid your family history might be against you the child of elderly parents, and so forth. But nothing of the sort.

Our big steamship officers these days outside of the navy don't get the kind of work that keeps men up to the mark, and not getting it they grow soft their bodies and their souls become flabby. Engineer officers nowadays have the work cut out for them and they are doing good work, but the bridge officers are no longer men of the sea they're clerks, agents in floating hotels.

And who shall say whether the Meloe, in its turn, will not be dispossessed by a fresh thief; or even whether it will not, in the state of a drowsy, fat and flabby larva, fall a prey to some marauder who will munch its live entrails?

The long flabby face, with the venomous eyes, showed in the streak of moonlight. Mahommed Ibrahim slid inside, took a step forward and drew a long knife from his sleeve. Another move towards the sleeping man, and he was near the bed; another, and he was beside it, stooping over. . . Now, a cold pistol suddenly thrust in your face is disconcerting, no matter how well laid your plans.

There was a thing in him that smirked before Somebodies, as if he were a timorous puppy wagging its tail and leaping about on flabby legs. "Mrs. Dorn is sitting here with a friend. They're dancing. We're all at this table, Mr. Dorn." Dorn caught the eager innuendo of his voice. He knew Tesla vaguely as a radical, an author of pamphlets.

He became inactive, and more cowardly and prudent than ever. He grew fat and flabby. No one who had studied this great body, piled up in a lump, apparently without bones or muscles, would ever have had the idea of accusing the man of violence and cruelty. He resumed his former habits. For several months, he proved himself a model clerk, doing his work with exemplary brutishness.

"Robert!" screamed Mrs. Hornblower. "Profanity at your age. Twice in five minutes." "Hold your tongue!" The mental collapse of Mrs. Hornblower was physically evident. Flabby and shaken, she sat looking with unfeigned terror at her metamorphosed lord and master. And Mr. Hornblower, puffing out his chest, looked very much like the oldest son of the individual he had appeared an hour previous.

To make of the robust Dane, fat and pale, choleric, cunning, intellectual, subject to hallucinations, a woman, not even a woman: for a woman playing the man can only be a monster, to make of Hamlet a eunuch or an androgynous betwixt and between, the times must be flabby indeed, criticism must be idiotic, to let such disgusting folly be tolerated for a single day and not hissed off the boards!