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Finnegan, who seemed a kindly woman, should wish to have him shut up. It was very difficult to imagine any reason for the action of the police in the matter. Constable Malone had discovered the existence of the boy in this remote place. Sergeant Rahilly had taken a great deal of trouble in preparing papers for his committal to the asylum, and had driven out to Ballygran on a most inclement day.

Little by little, however, it grew upon him, that it was the onion that fragrant and kindly bulb which had attained its apotheosis in the cuisine of Nora Finnegan of sacred memory. He opened his languid eyes, to see if, mayhap, the plant had not attained some more palpable materialization. Behold, it was so!

Say, mister, ye'd oughter git onter Patsy he's de little kid wid de crutch. He's a corker, he is; reads po'try an' everythin'. Where'll I sign? Oh, I see; in dis'ere square hole right along-side de ole woman's name" spreading his elbows, pen in hand, and affixing "James Finnegan" to the collection of autographs.

He pushed a button marked "Forward turret," and listened at a telephone. "Mr. Clarkson!" he called. "I've put your man Finnegan in the upper top; but he seems all right now. Can you use him?" The answer came: "No, sir; I've filled his place." "Die, then. On my soul be it, Finnegan, poor devil," muttered the captain, gloomily.

Annyways, as I started to tell ye, Danny Powers fired for Finnegan or Finucane, whichever ut was, and him and this Burke " But Farwell cursed Powers and Burke. "You burn the wires getting those cars for me!" he ordered. "What the devil do I care for all those construction-days micks? You talk too much. Get busy!" With which he turned and walked away with his companion.

All I know is that ten of us fellows in the council got two thousand apiece out of it." There was a pause. Samuel was listening with his hands clenched tightly. "Did he pay it to you himself?" asked Finnegan. "Who, Hickman? No, he paid it to Slattery, and Slattery came here from his office. Why, is he trying to crawl out of that part of it?" "No, not exactly.

Finnegan proceeded to tell of some discoveries of his own. "If ye have iver had onything to do wid shperrits," said he, and looked inquiringly at Jurgis, who kept shaking his head. "Niver mind, niver mind," continued the other, "but their influences may be operatin' upon ye; it's shure as I'm tellin' ye, it's them that has the reference to the immejit surroundin's that has the most of power.

Truly, the church was a great institution the solution of all the puzzles and problems of life. And fortunate was Samuel to be so close to the inner life of things! Then suddenly, on a street corner, he stopped short. A sign had caught his eye-"John Callahan, Wines and Liquors Bernheimer Beer." "Do you know what that place is?" he said to Sophie. "That's where my friend Finnegan works."

I went under twice, I remember, and waited calmly for the end; but before the last sinking I heard voices; then I was clutched by the hair, and as I was dragged bodily into a boat I lost my senses. When I came to, the men lifted me up, and I saw big Finnegan at the tiller, standing erect and declaiming to something astern: "'Stay there an' think it over, ye man-killin' shlave driver!

And don't you think they can't find ways of shuttin' up a kid like you!" "But Mr. Finnegan, it would be murder!" "Well, they wouldn't have to do it themselves, would they? When Henry Hickman wants a chicken for dinner, he don't have to wring its neck with his own hands." Samuel could find nothing to reply to that. He sat dumb with horror.