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I absolutely cannot stick it at any price! I really must insist on your trousering this. Positively!" Nelly Bryant gazed at the note with wide eyes. She was stunned. She took it limply, and looked at it under the dim light of the gas-lamp over the door. "I couldn't!" she cried. "Oh, but really! You must!" "But this is a fifty-pound!" "Absolutely! It will take you back to New York, what?

Rick was as proud as though the catch had been his own. He had been Jan's diving instructor and had taught her how to stalk a fish. "You can catch up day after tomorrow when the folks will let you dive," Jan assured him. "Can't wait that long," Rick replied. "I'm going to find a fifty-pound ray right now." "Go get your bow," Jan said. "I'll join the others and we'll all spot for you."

"We have convivial parties," he continued. "If you like cards, you can try your hand at winning or losing. We play for fifty-pound rouleaux. There is always a great crowd, and not infrequently you may see ten thousand pounds on the table. Some play small; others plunge in regardless of consequences.

"Fifty-pound notes are not so ready," said George. "Oh, he'll be only too happy to have your acceptance; won't you, Grimes." "Not for fifty pounds, Mr Scruby. It's the odd money that I wants. I don't mind the thirteen and four, because that's neither here nor there among friends, but if I didn't get all them ninety-two pounds I should be a broken-hearted man; I should indeed, Mr Vavasor.

However, Bromley races came on some time after the sale of my Dreadnought.... The next morning my groom came with a look of astonishment that seemed to have kept him awake all night, and said, "You'll be surprised to hear, sir, that our 'oss has won a fifty-pound prize at Bromley, and a pot of money besides in bets for his owner." "Won a prize!" said I. "Was it by standing on his head?"

He softened Adrian's chagrin by telling him that in about two weeks they would follow to London: hinting also at a prospective Summer campaign. The day was fixed for Richard to depart, and the day came. Madame the Eighteenth Century called him to her chamber and put into his hand a fifty-pound note, as her contribution toward his pocket-expenses.

From me, I dare say he will receive it freely, because he must be convinced how freely it is offered; and, besides, they look upon me now almost as a member of the family in consequence of my engagement with Flora." "Certainly, and quite correct too: there's a fifty-pound note, my boy; take it, and do what you like with it, and when you want any more, come to me for it."

A strange person was in the low, dark space whom he had never smelled. Clad in a single shift and lying on a coarse grass-mat spread upon a pile of tobacco cases and fifty-pound tins of flour, was a young black girl. There was something furtive and lurking about her that Jerry did not fail to sense, and he had long since learned that something was wrong when any black lurked or skulked.

We camped for the night in a place which my friend had used as his base of supplies. The next morning opened dull, and I felt the effects of my hard work and did not greatly relish the idea of shouldering a fifty-pound pack. But my time was now getting short. In two weeks the rutting season of the moose would begin, and in the meantime I wanted four more fine specimens of the white sheep.

That boy has the temper of a demon." "What, Sam?" "No, no, No! That boy Thomas. We haven't had a day's peace since he came into the house. And now a fifty-pound vase broken. Oh! the wicked boy." "I didn't do it, aunt. It was Sam," came from the head of the staircase. "Ah! Silence there, sir!" shouted Uncle Richard. "How dare you stand there listening! Be off, and make yourself decent for dinner."