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"For the Lord's sake, Weary!" spluttered Jack Bates. "Your whiskers grow faster'n you can shave 'em off, at that gait. Get a move on, can't yuh?" Weary turned his belathered face sweetly upon Jack. "Getting in a hurry, Jacky? YOUR girl won't be there, and nobody else's girl is going to have time to see whether you shaved to-day or last Christmas.

"Mile a minute faster'n a train Holy Moses! what's that, Joe? broke axle telegraphed how many four more you don't say so? what's his name? I'll bet it's Vanderbilt. Don't you believe it it costs money to run one of those machines. I'll bet he's a dandy from 'way back stopping at your house bridal chamber that's right you want to kill the fatted calf for them fellers say "

"It'll be all right when people find out it was just a mistake," said Faith carelessly. "We'll explain." "You can explain till you're black in the face," said Mary, "but a lie like that'll travel faster'n further than you ever will. I'VE seen more of the world than you and I know. Besides, there are plenty of folks won't believe it was a mistake." "They will if I tell them," said Faith.

"I'd go faster'n anything," decided the girl, throwing up her head. "Your mother's father used to have a family in his tenement house on this place, and they were all very fond of her when she was a girl. One of the sons moved to Bellaire. He's the only one left, and would help you, I know." "Mebbe if you'd talk to my uncle " Virginia cut in. An emphatic negative gesture frightened her.

I can roll faster'n it's movin', but it keeps a-shakin' so he can't hardly set in the seat. "When it's pretty close I see he's a little guy with specs 'n' a yellow coat on, but he's bein' shook so I can't hardly see what he does look like. "'How-dee-do! he says, when he gets her stopped.

They don't show an' fills up faster'n th' others. Gotter make yer losin's good, hain't yer?" "Yes, Billy Buttons, I have, but I ain't goin' to make 'em cheatin' anybody. What'd grandpa think or say to that? Now you can just empty out every single goober shell you've put in an' fill up square. I'll save them shells by theirselves, so's to have 'em ready next time you yourself want to buy off me."

For twenty pun promised, split between us, he'll travel faster'n Turpin did to York." He was waving a large sheet of newspaper agitatedly. "What does it mean?" I asked. My head was whirling. "Radical papers got a-holt of it," he said. "Trust them for nosing out. And the Government's answering them. They say you're going to suffer for your crimes.

If Hanlon can work his crew faster'n harder'n the rest of you, you'd a blasted sight better find out how he does it, not try to cut down his take. How'd you like to go back to Sime and try explaining to His Highness why you're not getting out as much stuff as's been proved possible?" That stopped them cold.

"Nay, man, 'tis a live, ragin' storm comed off the sea an' tearin' ower the airth like a legion out o' hell! 'Tis the floodgates o' God opened you'm hearin'! Ay, an' the four winds at each other's throats, an' a outburst o' all the springs 'pon the hills! 'Tis death and ruin for the whole country-side as be yelling up-long now. An' 'tis comin' faster'n thot."

A paroxysm of coughing shook him; he spoke through it sobbingly: "'Drag! 'S jus' lul-like a girl! Ha-why I walk OOF! faster'n that every day on my way to school." He managed to subjugate a tendency to nausea. "What you want to go home for?" he said. "Le's go on!" In the darkness Mr. Claude Blakely's expression could not be seen, nor was his voice heard.