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Before taking his offered arm to walk to their carriage, which was in waiting at the gate of the terrace, she introduced our hero as a friend of Mrs. Draper and also a fellow countryman, whom she hoped they might have the pleasure of seeing, as she said, chez eux. M. de Mauves responded briefly, but civilly, in fair English, and led his wife away.

On m'a certifié que quand les puissances chrétiennes ont pris les armes contre eux, ils ont toujours été avertis

Chez eux, les gens de bien (gens riches, qui ont du bien) portent tons, quand ils sont

I think you had best take less wine and more exercise. A walk twice round the garden before breakfast, and a ride in the afternoon, will do for the present, and this will be necessary to fit you for the journey to Long Island. A Captain Randolph will call with Mr. Mersereau: c'est un soldat et honnete homme, donnez eux a boire. They will answer all your questions. Yours truly,

Personally I have always held that there must have un cadavre entre eux. No friendship could account for the strange relations which existed between these two men, one of whom had done so much to harm the other.

I asked a woman to-day if she still contrived to have access to the priests, and she replied, "Ah, oui, il y a encore de la facilite, par ce que l'on ne trouve pas des gardes ici qui ne sont pas pour eux."* * "Yes, yes, we still contive it, because there are no guards to be found here who don't befriend them."

Pour surcroit de bonheur pour eux, tous ces Colons sont parvenues, dans un etat tres-florissant; ils sont nombreux et riches: ils recueillent dans le sein de leur patrie toutes les necessites de la vie.

Il faut bien juger leur suffisance, mais non pas leurs moeurs, ni eux, par cette montre de leurs écrits qu'ils étalent au théatre du monde." Which may be thus translated: "For I have a singular curiosity to know the soul and simple opinions of my authors.