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Let him guard his treasures as things too sacred for commerce, and say, Procul, o procul este, profani, to all who may attempt by bribery and corruption to drag them from their legitimate shelves. If, in any weak moment, he yield to mercenary temptation, he will be for ever mourning after the departed unit of his treasure the lost sheep of his flock.

Shelley and Mary having decided to spend the winter further south, after a few days of preparation they left Este on November 5, and spent the night at Ferrara, where they visited the relics of Ariosto and Tasso, and the dungeon where the latter was incarcerated.

But the condition of things in the other states of the peninsula, in Venice and Lombardy under the Austrians, in Naples under the Bourbon kings, in Romagna under the Pope, and very specially in Modena under its dukes of the House of Este, was much otherwise. In those regions the Italians were "thinking" a great deal, and had been thinking for some time past.

Primeramente se pone a herbir el pollo hasta que este bien cosido y despues so frie una poca de cobolla en manteca junto con el arroz y se le hecha pimienta entera y se le anade el caldo, colado, en que se cosio el pollo. Despues se anade el pollo cortado en pedazos pequeños y se le hecha sal. Lomismo que con arroz, con la excepcion que en lugar de arroz se le echan tomates.

Mary endured the misery of an incompetent doctor at Este; neither had they confidence in the Paduan physician. Shelley proceeded to Venice to obtain further advice, and prepare for the arrival of his wife and child, writing from there that he felt somewhat uneasy, but trusted there was no cause for real anxiety.

After the death of his father, the able and learned Niccolo III., who first established his throne on sure and safe foundations, Ercole's two elder half-brothers, Leonello and Borso, reigned in succession over Ferrara, and kept up the proud traditions of the house of Este, both in war and peace. Both were bastards, but in the Este family this was never held to be a bar to the succession.

Large-limbed she was, the shape of a boy, with a long mouth and small eyes, full-lipped, big in foot and hand. Yet she was a very merry soul, frank if not free in her speech and gesture, and though liable to bursts of angry temper, for the most part as innocent of malice as a tiger cub. If you remember her an Este, you will forgive her much, excuse her everything, and rather like her.

Cuando se dice que nuestro estado social no está preparado para el sufragismo, que la mujer no está suficientemente educada para ejercer sus derechos políticos, quiero preguntar si es que hemos necesitado decir lo mismo cuando importamos e implantamos en éste país las instituciones democráticas que son la base y el fundamento de nuestra sociedad actual.

We have books, such as the Antiquities of the House of Este by Muratori, the Chivalries of Ferrara, the Borseid, and the Hecatommiti of Giraldi, which were written almost to order for the purpose of gratifying this vanity.

Esa adoración no nace en el hombre por el hecho de que la mujer tenga menos derechos o esté privada de ellos, nace de que la mujer es mujer, arquetipo de gracia y belleza de la creación y el hombre quemará siempre el incienso de su admiración ante el ara de esas divinidades.