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To have attacked the whites with so small a party would have been useless as well as unjust. They therefore left the colony in fierce anger. It chanced that La Certe had pitched his tent the day before on a stream not far-distant from the colony. The Sioux had to pass that way, and, espying the wigwam, turned aside to wreak their vengeance on whomsoever it might contain.

On the way we saw a herd of wild cattle, which scoured the plain in consternation on espying our party; urging on our horses, we tried to bring one down, but they outstripped us. At nightfall, a pack of ravenous wolves, headed by a large white one, serenaded us, and came near enough to our camp-fire to seize a small terrier belonging to one of the party.

Bickford no longer felt like joking, and Joe at every step looked anxiously around him, in the hope of espying relief. On a sudden, Mr. Bickford rose in his Stirrups and exclaimed in a tone of excitement: "I see a cabin!" "Where?" "Yonder," said the Yankee, pointing to a one-story shanty, perhaps a quarter of a mile away. "Is it inhabited, I wonder?" "I don't know. Let us go and see."

I reached out and swept the considerable sum toward me, and, pocketing it, I too rose, ready for what might come. "You-all give me elbow room!" yelled Steele at Martin and his cowed contingent. Steele looked around, evidently for some kind of implement, and, espying a heavy ax in a corner, he grasped it, and, sweeping it to and fro as if it had been a buggy-whip, he advanced on the faro layout.

A little remnant speedily entrenched themselves amid the rugged boulders, and smarting as they were with wild and bitter rage, we left them in their fortress, till one of the ships espying them, a boat was sent amid the rocks that they climbed towards and entered safely without hindrance from us.

Suddenly she turned and espying me, started and fell a-trembling, even as I. "Martin," said she below her breath. "Oh, Martin!" "Damaris!" I muttered. "Beloved !" Now at this she gave a little gasp and turned to gaze away across the placid waters, and I saw her slender hands clasp and wring each other. "Have you no word of greeting for me?" "I rejoice to to see you well again, Martin!"

My speech was broken short by some of them espying our gallant Cornet, moving majestically but slowly along, over the adjoining hill.

She could see the bow slanting forward in the water, and realized that all was wrong with the torpedo boat, and with some hapless human being aboard. In that instant Grace Desmond's courage rang true. Espying the rowboat, she bounded into it, snatching up an oar and pushing off. At home on the water and skilled with oars, she pulled a strong, rapid stroke until she lay alongside the "Pollard."

Flocks of the soft-plumed and ever-hungry St. Mark's pigeons would greet us, espying us from afar, circling round and almost burying us in their midst, delighted to perch on our hands and peck the grain we brought to throw them.

Whilst Esther was gone to summon her mother, the lady looked round the room, and espying Charlie, said, "Oh, there you are I'm glad to see you; I hope you are improving." "Yes, ma'am," politely replied Charlie, wondering all the time who their visitor could be. "You don't seem to remember me you ought to do so; children seldom forget any one who makes them a pleasant promise."