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He lost no time in escaping to the paddock, but the bandmaster, espying him, started after the lad, waving his baton threateningly. No sooner had Teddy gained the seclusion of the dressing tent than James Sparling burst in. "Where's that boy? Where's that boy?" "Here he is," grinned a performer, thrusting Teddy forward, much against the lad's inclinations. Mr.

Him espying, the nymph darted in his direction. The throng made way for her. She was at his side. "Grandpapa!" she cried, and kissed the old man on either cheek. "My dear Zuleika," he said, "welcome to Oxford! Have you no luggage?" "Heaps!" she answered. "And a maid who will find it." "Then," said the Warden, "let us drive straight to College."

"God be my helper now He is all I have to rely upon." And as he spoke, the great drops of sweat fell from his forehead. Espying a sheet of lead upon the roof, he rolled it into a club of tolerable thickness, and waited the approach of his pursuers. "He's gone on the roof," he heard one of them exclaim, "and pulled the ladder up after him."

I had dreaded the possibility of being obliged at last to give a decided answer of having my own fate in my own hands, and feeling totally incapable of choosing for myself. But I might have spared my nerves all such misgivings: my cavalier never gave me an opportunity of even fancying myself in such a dilemma till just as we reached the house, when, espying Mrs.

"But I'm glad to tell you we'll pay twenty thousand dollars on the debt as soon as we harvest. If it rains we'll pay it all and have thirty thousand left." "Good! I sure hope it rains. An' that thunder sounds hopeful," responded Anderson. "It's been hopeful like that for several days, but no rain," said Dorn. And then, espying Lenore, he seemed startled out of his eagerness. He flushed slightly.

"It's a vile night, gran'," he exclaimed; then espying his two newly-arrived guests, he assumed a more cordial tone. "Good evening. Good evening, young gentlemen," he said. "Glad you got in out of the storm hello! what's this? Well, if it don't beat me!" At the sound of the man's voice, Henry Burns and Jack Harvey had sprung up in amazement.

I excused him conformably with what the witty have said: "Till thou canst take an introduction along with thee approach not the gate of a prince, vizir, or lord; for the dog and the doorkeeper, on espying a beggar, will the one seize his skirt and the other his collar."

It need scarcely be said that glass had not been heard of by the natives of the Tin Islands or of Albion at that time, nevertheless, mirrors were not unknown. Espying in a corner, a great bronze shield, that might once have flashed terror at the siege of Troy who knows she set it up against the wall.

'Then go thou to the House of the Red Branch, and bring me word hither if Deirdre be still the fairest among women. And the man went. But when he found that bar and bolt were drawn across door and window, he knew well that the sons of Usna were warned of the wrath of the King. But espying one open window, he put his eye near to the lower corner that he might glance within.

Often espying some coveted prize on the ground in my back yard, instead of quietly dropping down and taking it, he and his companions would dash about in the trees, swing their bodies sidewise and up and down in an excited way, and scream at the top of their voices, sometimes drawing me out of the house to see what had gone wrong in Jaydom.