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Now these two disorders have not been much developed yet by the masses, in spite of the school-boards: ergo, any apparition which leads to hysterics or brandy-and-water in the servants' hall is a bogie, not a ghost." He knocked the ashes out of his pipe, and added: "And now, Lindy, as we don't want another ghost haunting the house. I will conduct you to by-by."

That nice, sensible, unintrospective people who were too busy trying to exist pleasantly to trouble their heads as to whether they existed or no that this best part of mankind should have gratefully caught at such a straw as "cogito ergo sum," is intelligible enough.

Considering all the facts, I was forced to this conclusion: If the Princess Mary had met the duke at the Postern, Yolanda was not the Princess Mary. The next day I reconnoitred the premises, and again reached the conclusion that Yolanda could not have met the duke inside the Postern unless she were a witch with wings that could fly thither over the castle walls; ergo, she was not the princess.

Judas had been God's servant, specially selected to perform a particularly nasty job. Therefore Judas, ever faithful, a betrayer only by divine command, was a saint. Ergo, he, Abel Ah Yo, was a saint by very virtue of his apostasy to a particular sect, and he could have access with clear grace any time to God.

"Verbum caro, panem verum, Verbo carnem efficit; Sitque sanguis Christi merum " Always blood and always blood! The carpet stretched before him like a red river; the roses lay like blood splashed on the stones Oh, God! Is all Thine earth grown red, and all Thy heaven? Ah, what is it to Thee, Thou mighty God Thou, whose very lips are smeared with blood! "Tantum ergo Sacramentum, Veneremur cernui."

I have everywhere been struck by one characteristic difference in the conduct of the two sexes; women, in general, are seduced by their superiors, and men jilted by their inferiors: rank and manners awe the one, and cunning and wantonness subjugate the other; ambition creeping into the woman's passion, and tyranny giving force to the man's, for most men treat their mistresses as kings do their favourites: ergo is not man then the tyrant of the creation?

When the light that is in thee has become darkness, how great is that darkness! Si ergo lumen quod in te est tenebræ sunt, ipsæ tenebræ quantæ erunt! And he settled it, as he settled everything, with a whimsical quotation.

So my reader will perhaps understand the raison d'etre of the proverb, "The lawyers own England." As no solicitor can plead in court, so no Queen's Counsel will come in direct contact with a client, and must be "supported" by a barrister. Ergo, any unfortunate having a case in court must fee two, if not three legal sharks to represent him, if represented at all. We employed as solicitor a Mr.

But this is either Tritheism or Sabellianism; it is hard to say which. Either the [Greek: Boúlaema] subsists in the Son, and in the Holy Ghost, and not merely passes through them, and then there would be three numerical [Greek: Bouláemata], as well as three numerical Persons: 'ergo', [Greek: treis theoì

Somebody dissipated the rumor by a syllogism: "A man hunting a second wife always looks like a fool; the Doctor doesn't look a bit like a fool, ergo" He grew very weary of the giddy rout, standing in it like a rock in a whirlpool. He did rejoice in the Carnival, but only because it was the end. "Pretty? yes, as pretty as a bonfire," he said. "I can't enjoy much fiddling while Rome is burning."