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I'm coming!" that, nevertheless, again and again defeated expectation. How could he but enjoy the fine field of affection that these provided for him? His mother watched him with maternal pride. "He's that contented!" she would say. "Any other child would plague your life away, but 'Enery " It was part of Henry's unusual mind that he wondered at nothing.

He stood there to keep the file passing along without check, and Robinson turned presently to some of the others and asked if they knew what was the meaning of this "Mays ongfong" that the officer kept repeating to his men. "Ongfong," said 'Enery Irving briskly, seizing the opportunity to reëstablish himself as a French speaker, "means 'children'; spelled e-n-f-a-n-t-s, pronounced ongfong."

He explained in the strident vernacular of the Cockney that his name was Henry Hobbs "Enery Obbs" was his own version of it and he kept a pawnbroker's shop in the Caledonian Road. It was his intention to have called at Scotland Yard earlier, he explained, but his arrangements had been upset by a domestic event in his own household.

And I was a fool, too, to let him go like that." But it was plain now that 'Enery Irving was dragging his red breeches well clear of the others, although it was not plain, what the others had done with the stretcher. There were two of them at the length of a stretcher apart, and yet no visible stretcher lay between them. It was the sergeant who solved the mystery.

"Bravo!" he beamed, and threw his arms round the astonished soldier, and before he could dodge, as the disgusted 'Enery said afterwards, "planted two quick-fire kisses, smack, smack," on his two cheeks. "Mon brave!" he said, stepping back and regarding 'Enery with shining eyes, "Mon brave, mon beau Anglais, mon "

"He asks," said the interpreter, turning to 'Enery and the other men, "whether you have any conserve et rhum jam and rum you wish to exchange for his wine." After that 'Enery Irving collapsed in the public estimation as a French speaker.

They were nominally under supervision of the ship's Schoolmaster, who, however, had gone off to unpack a hamper of flowers the gift of an enthusiastic subscriber. "Step this way, 'Erbert 'Enery Bates." "You go to hell, Link Andrew!" But the boy stopped his work and faced about, nevertheless. "See this flag?"

"I know why he wants to go out; he's after those German helmets the interpreter told us was lyin' out there." The difficulty was solved presently by the announcement that an officer was going out and would take two volunteers B Company to have first offer. 'Enery and Robinson secured the post, and 'Enery immediately sought the officer.

At this the other consented to come. Together they staggered out, not seeing Sir Robert, and went off down the street, "'Enery" talking as they went. The General stood and listened as the man's voice died down. "Good for yer, old pal. But 'E died to save us hall, 'E did. Made a bloomer of it, I reckon. Didn't save us from the bloody trenches not as I can see, any'ow.

Instantly the others commenced to pick it up, but before they had sung three words 'Enery Irving, in tones of horror, demanded "The Mar-shall-aise again; quick, you idiot!" from Snapper, and himself swung off into a falsetto rendering of "Three Blind Mice."