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All had apartments, but many were taken, and many more had rooms either dark and stuffy or without view. Holly House was my first stopping-place. Why will a woman voluntarily call her place by a name which she can never pronounce? It is my landlady's misfortune that she is named 'Obbs, and mine that I am called 'Amilton, but Mrs. 'Obbs must have rushed with eyes wide open on 'Olly 'Ouse.

"What an imperial sound it has!" "And why not? The R stands for Rex." "Ah, that accounts for the King's English!" "Certainly," he grinned. "The king can do no wrong, don't you see?" "Your servant who was here speaks nothing but the King's English, I perceive. Perhaps that accounts for a great deal." "Hobbs? I mean to say,'Obbs? I confess that he has taught me many tricks of the tongue.

He explained in the strident vernacular of the Cockney that his name was Henry Hobbs "Enery Obbs" was his own version of it and he kept a pawnbroker's shop in the Caledonian Road. It was his intention to have called at Scotland Yard earlier, he explained, but his arrangements had been upset by a domestic event in his own household.

'Obbs appeared in the shape of a walking pillar of oil-skins capped by a sou'wester, and went on deck; Stryker, following him out of the state-room, shed his own oilers in a clammy heap upon the floor, opened a locker from which he brought forth a bottle and a dirty glass, and, turning toward the table, for the first time became sensible of Kirkwood's presence.

I'm going out to search the highways and by-ways for Bedelia," said Robin, a gay light in his eyes. "By the way, did you, by any chance, learn the name of the 'andsome young gent as went away with 'er, 'Obbs?" "I did not, sir. I stood at his helbow for quite some time at the Gare St. Lazare and the only words he spoke that I could hear distinctly was 'wot the devil do you mean, me man?

Kirkwood heard that the name of the second-in-command was 'Obbs, as well as that he occupied the starboard state-room aft. After a brief exchange of comment and instruction, Mr.

"Now then, 'Obbs, a little Delmonico 'ere. Shove this bacon against your fice, Cameron." "What about yours, sir?" said Cameron, as he sat down to the luxuries which somehow Hobbs had "rustled." "Had it, you slacker." Then with a swift change of voice and manner he added: "Listen to me, Cameron. I'm going to have my prayers. You won't bother me any, and if you don't mind I'll do them out loud.

"Bless me, I think papa is calling on me. Yes, sir. Was you calling, sir?" "Calling! no; I wasn't `calling. I was shrieking, howling, yelling. Is Hobbs there?" "No, sir; 'Obbs is not 'ere, sir." "Well, then, be so good as to go and look for him, and say I want him directly to go for the letters."