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The thought of her connection with the well-known judge seemed to hamper her at times, and she wasn't quite so chummy with "Kipper" as used to be the case in the Mile-End Road days, and he wasn't the sort as is slow to see a thing. One day when he was having lunch by himself, and I was waiting on him, he says, raising his glass to his lips, "Well, 'Enery, here's luck to yer!

"Stratford-on-Avon, Stratford-on-Avon My true love she is false; I 'd rather not go to Stratford-on-Avon If I could go anywheres else." "But you promised to keep an eye on her." "'Enery 'ears from me regilar," said Sam evasively. "If you don't pay 'er no visits," Tilda insisted, "the more you write the more you must be tellin' lies; an' that's not fair to 'Enery."

She hastened after her cousin, who had already disappeared through the curtains curtains which smote one in the face, and seemed heavy with more than cloth. Beyond them stood the unreliable Signora, bowing good-evening to her guests, and supported by 'Enery, her little boy, and Victorier, her daughter.

The birds were all out of their cages; everything was upside down. "Are you a real farmer's boy?" I asked him. "O' course I am," he answered. "What do yer tike me for a hartist in disguise?" It came to me. "What is your name?" "'Enery 'Enery 'Opkins." "Where were you born?" "Camden Tahn." Here was a nice beginning to a rural life! What place could be the country while this boy Hopkins was about?

When it finished the orchestra was just on the point of starting another tune, when 'Enery held up his hand. "'E goes on Sunday to the church, an' sits among the choir." he quoted solemnly and added, 'Voices 'eard, off. Two or three men were singing in the German trench, and as they sang the rest joined in and 'Deutschland über Alles' rolled forth in full strength and harmony. 'Bray-vo!

The prisoners intuitively guessed that the song had reference to ways and means they would rather have forgotten. "Ow! My name it is 'orrible 'Enery 'Emms, And I 'ails from a 'ell of a 'ole! The things I 'ave thought an' the deeds I 'ave did Are remarkable lawless an' better kep' hid, So if Morgan you think of, an' Sharkey an' Kidd, Forget 'em!

bellowed the Towers, and out of the pause that came so effectively before the last word of the verse rose a triumphant squeal from the mouth-organ, and the appealing voice of Private 'Enery Irving 'Naw then, put a bit of 'ate into it. But even that artist of the emotions had to admit his critical sense of the dramatic fully satisfied by the tone of vociferous wrath and hatred flung into the Towers' answering roar of . . . . England!

"If I'd a make-up box and a false mustache 'ere, I'd act so as to cheat the French President 'imself, much less a parcel of beer-swilling Germs." The German trenches were too far away to allow of any conversation, but 'Enery secured a board, wrote on it in large letters "Veev la France," and displayed it over the parapet.

"There wasn't much o' the light 'eart look about the Mong Cappytaine to-night," said Robinson. "'Is eyes was snappin' like two ends o' a live wire, and 'e 'andled them guns as business-like as a butcher cutting chops." "That's it," said 'Enery, "business-like is the word for 'em. I noticed them 'airy-faces shootin' to-day.

" A Cook-general, in a very respectable 'ouse'old a publican's, at the 'Four Alls' by Binton Bridges. Me bein' shy as you may 'ave noticed I 'adn't, as you might say, put it to 'er; an' likewise until the matter was settled I didn' like to tell 'Enery.