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Naow there's 'Enery; 'is mother died hin a drunken fit. 'E never knew nothink hall 'is life but beating and starving, till the Haid Society took 'im hin 'and. "Then there's Sally. Why, Sally's living 'igh naow hoff the fat hof the land, has you might say. Heverybody knows 'ow 'er hold huncle treated 'er!" Mrs.

They continued their way in silence, until at the market-place Henry paused in front of the "Farmer's Arms." "Come in and 'ave a pint, old chap," he said cordially. "No, thankee," said the cook again. "It's no use, Enery, you don't git over me in that way." "Wot d'ye mean?" blustered the youth. "You know," said the other darkly. "No, I don't," said Henry.

To that 'Enery, his French having failed him, could only retort by a drawing of outstretched fingers and a thumb placed against a prominent nose on an obviously French face, with pointed mustache and imperial, and a French cap.

And 'Enery this was where the trench, despite themselves, laughed 'Enery placed his hand on his heart, swept off his cap in a magnificent arm's length gesture, and bowed low; then swiftly he rose upright, struck an attitude that would have graced the hero of the highest class Adelphi drama, and in a shrill voice that rang clear above the hammering tumult of the rifles, screamed "Veev la France!

A few Frenchmen, who spoke more or less English, found themselves in enormous French and English demand, while Private 'Enery Irving, who had hitherto borne some reputation as a French speaker a reputation, it may be mentioned, largely due to his artful knack of helping out spoken words by imitation and explanatory acting found his bubble reputation suddenly and disastrously pricked.

Simonetti looked earnestly at Morris, who fumbled in his waistcoat pocket and produced a cigar. "Do you smoke, Mr. Simmons?" he began. "Simonetti," the designer interrupted, as he took the cigar and bit off the end; "and eef ees too much-a you say Simonetti, call me 'Enery."

I ain't never 'eard o' the Griller till we come 'ere, and I never 'eard o' t'other bloke neether but I 'olds by the Griller, cos of 'is name and I backs me fancy afore I sees 'em. Loser to 'elp the winner with the gallon." "Done, Bill," replied the challenged promptly, on hearing the last condition. "Yus, 'Enery," replied William, diving deeply for it.

Henry, for example, is softened variously into Harry, Hen, Hank, Hal, Henny, Enery, On'ry and Heinie. Which did Ann Boleyn use when she cooed into the suspicious ear of Henry VIII.? To which did Henrik Ibsen answer at the domestic hearth? It is difficult to imagine his wife calling him Henrik: the name is harsh, clumsy, razor-edged. But did she make it Hen or Rik, or neither?

"Snapper" Brown, urged by the public-spirited 'Enery Irving, exhausted himself in playing the "Marseillaise" at the fullest pitch of his lungs and mouth-organ.

'Come on, 'Enery, give us 'is dyin' speech, some one urged, and 'Enery proceeded to recite an impromptu 'Dyin' Speech of the Dachshund-stealer, as he called it, in the most approved fashion of the East End drama, with all the accompaniments of rolling eyes, breast-clutchings, and gasping pauses.