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Drop down to the jetty and let your men cook their rice in my campong while we talk in the house." There was no answer to that invitation. "What is it?" asked Almayer, uneasily. "There is nothing wrong with the brig, I hope?" "The brig is where no Orang Blanda can lay his hands on her," said Dain, with a gloomy tone in his voice, which Almayer, in his elation, failed to notice. "Right," he said.

Her fingers trembled with nervous haste as she pinned up the unwieldy black bundle of finished work, and her feet fairly tripped over each other in their eagerness to get to Claiborne Street, where she could board the up-town car. There was a feverish desire to go somewhere, a sense of elation, a foolish happiness that brought a faint echo of colour into her pinched cheeks. She wondered why.

Here he was interrupted by vociferous cheering. Next to shows and spectacles, to games and theatres, there was nothing that the people of Rome loved better than to hear impassioned speeches thundered at them either from the rostra in the Forum, or from any convenient spot whence the voice of a good speaker would rouse a sense of excitement or elation in their hearts.

The old chap could eat in his terrific mechanical way; but Sterne, from mental excitement, could not not that evening, at any rate. He had had ample time since to get accustomed to the strain of the meal-hours. He would never have believed it. But then use is everything; only the very potency of his success prevented anything resembling elation.

Things have happened to me that would have finished many a woman, but I took a cocktail, won a game of poker, and was as chipper as if nothing out of the way had happened." "You don't understand, Marie," he said, with a bare touch of his old reckless elation. "That may be all right for you, but " "Piffle! Dick, you are the limit. I can turn you square about and make you see straight.

Among traitors and Copperheads the fear of punishment has been succeeded by the hope of revenge; elation is on faces which the downfall of Richmond overcast; and a return to the old times, when a united South ruled the country by means of a divided North, is confidently expected by the whole crew of political bullies and political sycophants whose profit is in the abasement of the nation.

The minister of Information asked apprehensively: "What will O'Donohue do when he finds out they're here?" "He's not found out yet," said the president without elation. "Moira didn't tell him. She's an angel! But he's bound to learn. And then if he doesn't detonate with the rage in him, he'll see to it that all of us are murdered slowly, for treason to the Erse and blasphemy directed at St.

Geraldine found her four elders and the three little boys all together in the dining-room; and while Wilmet anxiously asked after Mother, the others, in a sort of sad elation, told of the crowds present, the number of clergy Mr. Ryder, too, came home from his holiday on purpose the sobbing people, and the wreaths of camellias and of holly, that loving hands had made, and laid upon the coffin.

Youth had reasserted itself and Harry was again all excitement and elation. It seemed to him at the moment that he was a boy no longer. The Tacitus lying peacefully in his desk was forgotten. He was a man in a man's great world, doing a man's great work.

And he realized, hazily, that she had not spoken that it was the subtle eloquence of her youth and loveliness that had appealed like a sudden voice a sound faintly exquisite echoing his own thought of her. And he read it as carefully as he was able to the curious little clamor of his pulses, the dazed sense of elation, almost of expectation, distracting his attention all the time.