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You know the King's aversion toward music and dancing. Here, Eckhof, take the violin-and now begin. Come now! I'm the cavalier, Princess, and you are the lady. Bravo, Eckhof! This is going nicely ah, what joy to dance once more! During the dance the KING comes in softly through the door to the right. He starts when he sees the dancers and the grenadier playing the violin. They do not notice him.

Talma was only a copyist of Eckhof, but this fact was not acknowledged, because at that time the German stage had not won for itself the sympathy and consideration of other nations. As I have said, silence reigned, and from time to time the rapture of applause, which could not be altogether suppressed, was evidenced by thundering bravos.

There is a mystery in my soul which I cannot fathom. Eckhof has age, wisdom, and experience perhaps he can enlighten me. I have faith in his eyes and in his silver beard, and I can say freely to him what I dare not say to any other." Eckhof laughed merrily.

Perhaps your learned soul may be somewhat reconciled to such vanities when you see a drama of Gottsched, and a hero of the old and classic time." "Yes, but will not your Eckhof make a vile caricature of the noble Roman?" sighed Lupinus. "You are a pedant, and I trust the Muses will revenge themselves upon you this night," said Joseph, angrily.

"Yes, truly, and so I will go to Eckhof," said Fredersdorf, waving his hat triumphantly in the air. "Do you know where he dwells?" said the youth. "Certainly. We are standing now just before his door. See there in the third story, those two lighted windows? That is Eckhof's home." "What is the name of this street?" "What is that to you?

No other foot had ever crossed the threshold of this still, small room; it was always closed against the most faithful of his friends. Besides, this little bedroom concealed a mystery a mystery which would have excited the merriment of Fredersdorf and the wild amazement of Eckhof.

"You are that, Eckhof, and you are also our benefactor," said another. "We thank you, that for some months we have not suffered from hunger and thirst; that the good people of Berlin take an interest in the German stage, and treat us with some consideration. Let us, then, drink to our preserver, to the great Eckhof!" Every glass was raised, and their shouts rang out merrily.

He left the mysterious little room, hastily closed the door, and placed the key in his bosom, then opened the outer door. Yes, it was Eckhof. He entered with a beaming face, with a gay and happy smile. Lupinus had never seen him so joyous.

The unalloyed triumph of Eckhof endured but for one moment, for suddenly, high above the shouts of applause, arose a piercing, derisive whistle, succeeded by hisses and groans. As if by magic, the aspect of the parterre was changed. Every student looked wrathfully at his neighbor, as if determined to discover and punish the rash offender who dared run counter to the general approbation.

Conrad Eckhof will endeavor to do honor to himself and his despised new profession. And as for you, my Lady Sonnsfeld, you may, the sooner the better, pack up your belongings and be off to Dresden where my cousin, the Elector of Saxony, has need of just such nymphs and graces for his court fireworks and his ballets. Wilhelmine!