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I could see her Aw, shucks! What's a cowpuncher got to do with things like that? I wisht I was out on the range, where I belonged. I set there I don't know how long maybe I went to sleep once or twice when I heard the front door close easylike and knew somebody had went out I didn't know who it was. I waited for a long time after that, but no one come in and no one spoke.

"So I sorter reckoned from what I heerd; but ye need n't rip the shirt off ye on thet account. The feller can't git in thar till after daylight, nohow. Them sojers is too blame skeered ter open the gates in the dark, an' all the critter 'll git if he tries it will be a volley o' lead; so ye might just as well take it easylike." The old man's philosophy seemed sound.

"If 'e didn't," cried the old man, "I'll punch 'im on the nose so 'e won't never smell nothink no more." "Sir," said Joe, "in the first round p'raps I did go a bit easylike, but arter that I came at you as 'ard an' 'eavy as I could. I 'it you where an' 'ow I could, barrin' your face." "I hope I shall soon be good enough for you to go for my face as well, Joe."

We sashayed into the kitchen an' theah, jus' sittin' easylike an' waitin' right on the table, was two or three pies! Ain't had me a taste since as good as them theah pies. But maybe with a blue coat on us we could do as well heah 'bouts." There was merit in the Texan's suggestion. Drew, from past experience, knew that. His only hesitation was Boyd. The youngster was right.

"I take it you've got sense enough to come along easylike," he said, with just a hint of doubt in his voice. "Yes, I've been known to show some sense, sheriff; now that's a fact." "I'll have to ask you for your gun," said the deputy grimly. "I've never been known to hand over my gun, sheriff," drawled Rathburn. "Now that's another fact." Again the tension in the room was high.

She went up to her pa like she was tired she didn't have much color that night in her face and she just puts up her arms around her pa's neck and laid her head down on his shoulder, and didn't say a word. She didn't cry; she just let her head lay there. I seen his arm go around on her bare shoulders easylike he didn't hardly touch her for fear she'd break; and he didn't say a word.

He hed a woman with him from the settlemints she's a-waitin' at Hazlan fer him now-'n' she had a cur'us little box, 'n' he put her 'n' the box on a big rock, 'n' started in a callin' 'em his bretherin' 'n' sisteren, 'n' folks seed mighty soon thet he meant it, too. He's always mighty easylike, tell he gits to the blood-penalty." At the word, Crump's listeners paid sudden heed.