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June would not gaze, but she looked and looked, as she could, by glances; and nearly worshipped her little mistress in her heart. She thought it almost ominous and awful to see a child read the Bible so. For Daisy looked at it with loving eyes, as at words that were a pleasure to her. It was no duty-work, that reading. At last Daisy shut the book, to June's relief.

Bravo, Howard! and bravo, Amos, with your duty-work! three cheers for you both! and one cheer more for Aunt Kate and moral courage."

I do believe Hickman was not merely an easy fellow, but a fool; as to glove-money Healing-money duty-fowls and duty-work I tell you again, provided you increase my remittances, and work the cash out of these fellows, you may insist upon as many of them as you can get. "Yours, "P.S. What, my little saint, did you mean by that charitable blunder, concerning the widow, in your last letter?

I once had a good opinion of you; but I now perceive my error. Here you trump up a dishonest bill against me, when you know perfectly well that most of the work you charge me with was duty work." "Beggin, your pardon, sir, I paid you the duty-work besides, if you'll remember it."

And I will further acknowledge, that I am not easily satisfied with the manner in which a woman is kind to me: if it be duty-work kindness, I would not give thanks for it: it is done for her reputation, not for me, and let the world thank her. To the best of wives, I should make the worst of husbands.

'To provide against this difficulty, landlords adopted a system of taking duty-work, in fact, in a new form. Many of these cabins were the poorest habitations that can be imagined; and these were given rent free, that is, the rent was to be worked out on whatever days, or on whatever occasions, it was called for.

"Spake for Jemmy, some of you, as the poor man isn't able to spake for himself." "Why, the case was this," said a neighbor of the poor man's. "Jemmy's son, Peter, was abused by Phil, the boy, because he didn't pay him duty-work, and neglect his own harvest. He told Peter that he was a Popish rebel and would be hanged.

June would not gaze, but she looked and looked, as she could, by glances; and nearly worshipped her little mistress in her heart. She thought it almost ominous and awful to see a child read the Bible so. For Daisy looked at it with loving eyes, as at words that were a pleasure to her. It was no duty-work, that reading. At last Daisy shut the book, to June's relief.

He could afford to have good tenants. In the old leases claims of duty-fowl, of duty-work, of man or beast had been inserted. Mr. Edgeworth was one of the first to abolish them.

'When the oppressive duty-work in Ireland was no longer claimed, and no longer inserted in Irish leases, there arose a difficulty to gentlemen in getting labourers at certain times of the year, when all are anxious to work for themselves; for instance, at the seasons for cutting turf, setting potatoes, and getting home the harvest.