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The other member of the Board of Education gave a lot of chilled advice to the members of the graduating class, he did this at much greater length and with far less effect than Old Dut had lately done in his last private talk with his class. There were a lot of other pieces to be spoken, most of them by the youngsters. There were songs, also exercises in vocal gymnastics.

Carrying masks, bats, gloves, they fell in by twos, Principal Jones marching them from the building, along the street and into the field where their arrival had created such a furor. Yet, excited as he was, Dick had not forgotten to ask both Mr. Brown and Old Dut not to fail to express their deepest thanks to Mr. Winthrop and to Colonel Garwood.

It was half an hour before the doors were to be opened. Curiously enough, there were no eighth-grade pupils present. These were assembled in Room 1, on the floor below, seated behind the desks that had been theirs during the school year. "Young ladies and gentlemen," began Old Dut, rapping on his desk and rising.

Quoique notre historien dût être rassasie de pélerinages, il fit néanmoins encore,

Fits obeyed, next remarking whiningly: "As you got the best of it, now I suppose you are ready to let me go." "I never let a thief go, if I can help it," Old Dut retorted, gripping one of the fellow's wrists. "We'll walk along together, my friend, until we reach the police station. And woe unto you if you start anything funny!" So it happened that, within five minutes, Mr.

But Gamboge! and ripped out brazenly as it had been? No! A thousand times No! "Calvin," I said sternly, "aren't you ashamed to use such language before me and before your little sister?" But here the little sister sank beneath her true woman's level by saying: "I know worse than that Dut!"

Fits had been pushed back from the spot by the energetic fist of Mr. E. Dutton Jones. But now the brute came back, cautiously, crouching and leering. "Who are you, anyway!" demanded Mr. Fits. "Oh, I'm one of the town's schoolmasters," replied Old Dut dryly. "As for you, I imagine you're that doubtful celebrity, Mr. Fits otherwise a thief." "Get out of this!" warned the rascal darkly.

"There should be a committee, and then you must be prepared to stand by any arrangements that the committee may make." "What's the matter with choosing a committee of ten?" proposed Toby Ross. "Too many," smiled Old Dut wisely. "There'd be too much talking then. A committee should have but a very few members." "Are nominations in order?" queried Spoff Henderson. "Yes," nodded Old Dut.

"Their principal, Old Dut Jones, wouldn't see his boys look too badly compared with us, so he bought 'em as good uniforms as he could afford. It's a shame. That's what it is." If Captain Dick and his baseball players walked rather proudly onto the field, it may have been partly due to the fact that they now knew that their uniforms were anything but "cheap."

Worcester gives it once more under PLAN: "L. planus, flat; It. piano, a plan; Sp. piano; Fr. plan. Dut., Ger., Dan., and Sw. plan." Even yet we have not done with it, for under PLANE we find "L. planus; It. piano; Sp.plano, Fr. plan." One would think this rather a Polyglot Lexicon than an English Dictionary.